Very well executed
the audience applauded
The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
View MoreBlistering performances.
Intrepid Hells Angels-style Mexican bearded punks with inverse Mohawks, led by a silicone-implanted blonde superstripper and a masked pro wrestler in gold costume, go around robbing, blackmailing, and raping people, sometimes lighting them on fire while playing rock tunes in neighboring rooms or enjoying a casual game of Russian roulette, until they manage to upset both the mob and the authorities, who call upon a duet of uncharismatic supercops to put a stop to their reign of over-the-top terror as well as end corruption in general in rural Mexico.Recommended.
View MoreIf you've always wanted to see a sordidly spirited south-of-the-border version of Roger Corman's immortal chopper classic "The Wild Angels," then this alarmingly crude and gloriously excessive degenerate filth biker trash is the answer to your wildest, most deranged and antisocial scuzzy celluloid prayers. You know you're in for a real treat when the picture opens with the credits spray-painted in gaudy graffiti on a brick wall while a crummy surf-rock theme song (complete with wailing vocals and a tacky reverb guitar riff) blares away on the soundtrack, then clinches the whole deal by showing a bunch of machine gun-brandishing nuns robbing a bank! And that's just for starters, as this exceptionally abominable feature graphically depicts the gross exploits of an especially nasty coed biker gang embarking on a blithely immoral and unrestrained crime spree.What follows after that astounding beginning rates as a marvelously odious anything-goes let-it-all-hang-out catalog of wall-to-wall violence, brutality and plain old no-holds-barred stinkweed depravity: shoddy splashes of grungy gore, a gaggle of frumpy housewives are tied-up and savagely raped (one has her hand cut off and mailed to her husband!), sleazy soft-core sex scenes, gratuitous bared distaff skin on frequent display, an amazingly debauched biker orgy, chain whippings, a hapless gas station attendant gets torched, a cop is dragged behind a speeding vehicle, and even a Russian roulette scene, plus such standard action as car chases, shoot-outs and explosions. The latter stuff is staged with an appalling ineptitude that's a wretched wonder to behold, while the lousy acting, limp direction, ragged editing and grainy cinematography shot on ratty scratched-up film stock further enhances the overall rankness of this supremely schlocky swill. Better still, the motorcycle mamas are incredibly slutty-looking: With their obviously phony over-sized silicone breasts, scarily garish made-up faces, and frightfully enormous over-permed hairdos, these skanky honeys resemble low-rent strippers. The men are even more laughable: their scraggly beards, ridiculous Mohawks, hideous multi-colored dyed hair, and ugly heavily made-up mugs make them seem like gay bondage bar regulars. Special credit must go to the movie's costume designer, who as the eye-burning onslaught of metal studs'n'chains leather outfits worn by most of the cast implies clearly had a thing for scrappy "Road Warrior"ish leather punk apparel. Now, with all this positively delectable and unmitigated cheesiness going for it, how can one not seriously dig this beautifully base and berserk mondo freako garbage?
View MoreThis movie is alot of fun, and if you are a biker film enthusiast like I am, it's a must see. It's your usual tale of a biker gang terrorizing towns and robbing, raping, and killing everyone along the way. Its up to the two cops who put the leader Tarzan away years ago,to stop their reign of terror. Hilarious costumes for the bikers including colored mohawks, and one of the best biker movie themes ever.
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