Invasion, U.S.A.
Invasion, U.S.A.
NR | 10 December 1952 (USA)
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A group of American witness the deadly invasion of the United States by the Soviet Union.


A Brilliant Conflict


a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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B MovieManiac

I'm quite partial to a bad movie and pride myself in being able to enjoy a movie for when it was made but this was just dreadful. A ton of stock WWII footage pasted into a cheap bar room scene for some narrative ..... "they're wearing US uniforms" .... no sh!t Sherlock that's cos its footage of US troops in action or training!Was that John Agar as a trooper on the Telephone?I only ticked the spoiler alert box in case you wanted to be surprised at how bad this movie is .... makes Plan 9 from outer space look like an Oscar winner.

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Invasion U.S.A. (1952) * 1/2 (out of 4) If you listen to most reviewers they'll have you believing that this propaganda film is among the worst movies ever made. The story is pretty simple as a group of strangers are sitting in a bar when the news breaks that the Soviet Union have invaded America. Before long most of America has been hit with an Atomic Bomb.INVASION U.S.A. is considered by many to be one of the worst movies ever made but I think that's rather extremely. There's no question that there are some very bad things in the picture but at the same time it manages to hold you attention no matter how bad things get. I think the biggest problem with the film is the fact that its budget was so low that they really weren't able to do anything good with the picture.I say that because even though the film is only 72-minutes long, I'd say a third of that is made up of stock footage, which obviously makes the picture look cheap. There are so many scenes where it's either stock footage or projection stuff that you can't help but not be frightened by anything you're looking at. The entire point of this picture was to frighten you into thinking that the Soviet Union could strike at any moment but without the drama there's just not much here. To make matters worse, there are some unintentional funny moments including a scene where the Hoover Dam is bombed and a family gets taken out by the water.There are some decent performances here including Gerald Mohr and Dan O'Herlihy. Character actor Tom Kennedy is also on hand playing the bartender. Another problem I had with the story is the fact that America pretty much falls without any issue. I mean, as easy as it was for us to be taken over it would be impossible for America to beat anyone. Still, INVASION U.S.A. isn't nearly the bomb some make it out to be.

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Theo Robertson

A small diverse group of strangers lounge in a New York cocktail bar . Suddenly there's a newsflash and reports come in that a foreign power has captured key installations in Alaska and the whole of America is now threatened with invasion You want to make a small subtle point ? Well just get a sledgehammer to crack a nut and this propaganda film is it . The opening sequence is set in a cocktail bar and a middle class businessman complains about having to pay the top rate of tax and if this atrocious behaviour by the government wasn't bad enough they also feel the need to interfere in other aspects of the free market . Wow next thing you know they'll be banning smoking in bars or perhaps even banning the sale of alcohol itself . Taking taxes off people is rather small fry compared to what American federal government has done in the past or indeed the future when this film was made . Perhaps this character might like to live under a regime where people don't tax simply because they don't get paid . Oh hold on here's a newsflash " Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it comrade " I've seen a few Christian propaganda films recently that were all universally dreadful they made me forget there was a time when American studios were constantly spewing out propaganda like this one . Often they were entertaining enough to disguise the danger of communist invasion by producing science fiction films where the aliens were closet reds , usually from Mars which is " The red planet " . With INVASION USA no attempt is made to disguise who the invaders are . Even though both Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union aren't name checked you're under no misapprehension who these bloodthirsty tyrannical invaders really are . I suppose this is indicative of American thinking at the time but the invasion itself isn't creditably developed or delivered . If the Soviets capture Alaska as a bridgehead why not nuke the airfields in that state ? How are they able to fly over Canada with impunity ? How are able to bomb New York from San Francisco ? etc etc etc . There's also a lack of credibility in other aspects ? For example here's no sense of time passing between events and the time frame seems bizarre to say the least . How on earth can the TV news report detailed casualty figures to events that have just happened ? OF course there might be a very good internal reason to this once the film ends but while the film is entertaining - possibly for all the wrong reasons - it's never credible on even the most basic level

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Chris Gaskin

Invasion USA is another movie I had been looking for and recently obtained an NTSC VHS copy off E-Bay.A motley collection of people in a bar in New York are watching TV when it is announced on the news that the USA is being invaded by communists. Alaska is invaded first and then moving south, invading San Francisco, New York which is hit by an A-bomb and then Washingtion DC, where troops invade and takeover the White House.This is one of the more interesting movies made during the Atomic Age/Cold War and gave you an idea on what could happen if it happened in real life. Quite scary really.The cast includes both actresses who played Lois Lane in the 1950's Superman series, Phyllis Coates and Noel Neill. Also, Peggie Castle (Beginning Of The End), Gerald Mohr, Dan O'Herlihy and Edward D Roninson Jnr.Invasion USA is well worth checking out. Interesting and quite frightening.Rating: 3 stars out of 5.

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