NR | 01 September 2017 (USA)
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Set in the 1980s, an estranged family hires a cult deprogrammer to take back their teenage son from a murderous cult, but find themselves under siege when the cultists surround their cabin, demanding the boy back.


The Worst Film Ever


Memorable, crazy movie


The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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Where do I start? Frankly, I'm angry at myself for not reading reviews first before paying my money to go see this abomination. Have you ever seen a movie so bad that you thought you're being punked and at any moment someone's going to step from behind the screen and say: gotcha!! Well multiply that feeling by ten.Ohh man, this film sucks. Holy sh*t it sucks so bad my cousin dozed off during the first ten minutes. I was like: let him sleep to avoid the torture I was going through. The characters - I don't think you can call them that - are so naive, so one dimensional, so stupid, you'd wanna throw up when they speak. The plot - if ever there was one - is so faulty, so bad, so bland, so utterly dumb that your IQ score will drop dramatically after seeing this film. If you value your money, do not pay to see this insult to your intelligence. Midway through the movie, I woke my cousin up, gave a big middle finger to the cinema screen, and went the f$%k home. My cousin asked me what the movie was like. I replied: TORTURE.

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Imagine your child has decided to identify with a cult. Not just any hippy, love is the answer, group of petal pushers. This one is calculated, large in numbers, and not prone to losing members. The history of Jackals screenplay was written early in the torture porn industry created by Saw, Hostel, and Wolf Creek. Years later, the script was finally realized, ironically, by Saw editor and director Kevin Greutart. Let the games begin.First of all, the Halloween influenced opening is solid and grabs you from the get go. Silent, yet violent and revealing. Soon after, an off-road kidnapping takes place; all the while mirroring a small family unit taking solace in a cabin. Colliding head on, the plot takes shape. The kidnapping is that of said families estranged son/boyfriend/brother in an attempt to deprogram him from the cult he fell in to. Credit to Stephen Dorff as the military deprogrammer, getting lean and mean while still staying sympathetic to the family. Soon, as expected, the cult come knocking at the door; wanting a sheep from their flock back home. Enter the home invasion aspect of the film. Outside, the cult wants their member back. Inside, the family refuses to give up their own. Had this film been made when it was meant to be, it would have been released theatrically along side Saw IV and Hostel 2. Jackals does feel a bit dated, however, there is a lot of heart injected into each of the characters. Good and bad. So much so, that a sequel wouldn't be out of line. It's rare to find a DTV film that asks you: How far will you go to save a member of your family; even if it costs you the remainder of the rest of them.

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Kevin Greutert, the editor behind Saw (2004) and later directed two entries of that particular franchise is back with a new horror. Immediately you think this would or could be the next Saw but it isn't.It stands on it's own, no open ending at all. The story is simple, save your child from a cult only to be terrorised from that cult to get the son back. Is it that bad as some might say. Well, it takes a while before things go wrong, to be exactly 38 minutes before the terror comes in and that's almost half the flick (10 minutes credits). Once the cult is back the attacks shown aren't that bad done anyway. There are even a few gory shots here and there but for me there wasn't anything scary at all or the cult even didn't frighten me. They do wear masks but they are just standing there and some do attack and kill or being killed and that's it. I found Don't Breathe (2017) more scary and a pure horror for example. here it's also about home invasion but somehow it didn't work out to make it creepy at all. Still, for those who like torture and brutality it's worth picking up to see the nastiness of the torture or killings. Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5

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Starts off with some plausible story telling then goes down ill rather quickly.The family hire a marine to rescue their boy from murderous cult. We are lead to believe from the marines tattoos that he may have has some prior affiliation with the cult, however he must have been a marine in teletubby LA LA LAND.. because the MARINE seems to have forgot all his basic combat training!Dad and marine take CULT FOLLOWER to the cabin in the woods for de programming with the help of his family. With no plans for the future at all.I'm no trained marine but even I know if you rescue a person from a cult they will try to get that person back.Whilst Marine is rescuing the boy from the cult I'd have been back home making sure the cabin was fortified and there were weapons hidden around the outside ready to help later.Also say let a family member know if you have not called an outside member of family by says 17:00hrs they automatically call police and tell them cult has invaded...FILM LOST THE PLOT, how did they give the director money to make this......so may plot holes it GAPING GILL..Rule one if you rescue some one from a cult don't take the said person to a cabin he new as a child.. you take him/her to some where neutral the person and family don't know that way the cult have no way of knowing from prior memories from the disciple where he would be going etc.So why didn't the GI JOE have the cabin in the woods protected or have perimeter booby trapped for when the cult turned up. Not to mention wouldn't a GI JOE have other merc's/marines to watch his "SIX" to help him!Then we have a family that have no form of common sense.. they kill cult intruders one by one and go out of their minds not knowing what to do and all they do is chat about giving the brother/son back to the cult.Now if it was me they have three dead cult members/people in the house, work the maths out - they could have taken some clothes off the cult who were dead put their masks and walked out the front and back dressed as members of the cult.Now I can guarantee that would not have only confused the CULT but would have got more people dead than the father going out to try and rescue his wife or son and resulting in father being stabbed to death.other thing is they could have dressed one of the cult dead up in the lads clothing who they rescued. Then slashed the dead cults persons face slung him out side and burnt him in front of the cabin.The cult for a few minutes would have thought the family had gone nuts and terminated the lad because the cult was hell bent on murder. That small window of opportunity might have been enough to have got to the FATHER of THE CULT/CULT LEADER and tried killing him before he worked his way through the family.End out come with a murderous cult will always be all people DEAD no matter what so what do you do.. button down the hatches and wait for intrusion and kill the cluster one by one, or take things under control and work a plan that's just as gross and murderous as the cult would have done..Like I said all a little lack lustre.... it loses depth and any thought of semblance as soon as they get to the cabin with a GI JOE Marine that has no back up plan when we all know Marines always have a back up.I gave it 3 out of 10 and that was because I enjoyed the sound track which was the best part of the film.I hope the director filled the lottery ticket in - he hoodwinked some one out of a lot of money to do this... lol

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