Katt Williams: Kattpacalypse
Katt Williams: Kattpacalypse
R | 25 August 2012 (USA)
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Katt Williams ushers in Kattpacalypse, exploding with more energy than an atomic bomb and riffing on everything from Doomsday to Obama. Katt Williams has been the best selling urban comic in the last 10 years and proved to have explosive sales across all platforms from DVD to tours.


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Maleeha Vincent

It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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Ray Thomas

Classic Katt Williams here, I laughed the whole time!. Dave chappele need to comeback also. The other reviews must not be familiar with comedy because he had me and my friends rolling the whole time. He talks current events and cracks jokes about situations in everyday life. 5 stars.The only negative to this movie was that it wasn't long enough. Delivery was on point. Facial expressions were classic. From the laughter heard from the crowd, everybody seemed to be having a great time. Congratulations Mr.Williams you are back. Cant wait for the next DVD to drop. Required viewing material for any comedy buff. Oh, and get some fans next time around, he was quite sweaty.

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Bradley Santiago

Okay, call me crazy or whatever. What Katt Williams is doing is trying to speak out against the "industry" not the Illuminati or anything. When you become famous, you sell your soul to the devil. Do research. The so called industry runs your life, tells you what to do. When he says " Satan ain't s**t"or"even if they gonna kill me for the s**t I say. He speaks out so much but people like you and i are brainwashed from day one you wont get this. If you want more info email me at Tgod0738@gmail.com. if you want thanks the truth. I can provide with plenty of videos and plenty of info. People need to know the truth. You should definitely contact me and find out.

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Edward Lorn

I cannot imagine I've ever seen a train wreck as tragically bad as Kattpacalypse, either literally or figuratively. Katt Williams was once a comedic god who used scathingly funny observations to make society and politics understandable to ones that may not get the jokes dropped by Jon Stewart or Lewis Black. He was an every-man's comic, loved by intelligent people and the uninformed alike. But this... my, how the mighty have fallen. It would be easy to say that Katt just lost his way, that he forgot how to entertain, how to tell a joke, but to see the Whitney Houston-type sweat pouring off him, to hear him ramble and rave like a madman (yes the term is cliché, but here, it's apt) is upsetting. I did laugh, but I could count those moments when I did on one hand. His views are confusing and stretched, the act full of end of the world scenarios and eschewed viewpoints such as, but not limited to: Homosexuality is all right, as long as you're a woman; NASA is leading a secret mission to a "Super-Earth" where there will be no black people because white people are going to sneak away on rocket ships; Atheists are "retarded" and 2012 will be the year all this goes down. Not to mention, his vulgar, curse laden delivery (I actually enjoy blue humor more than any other brand) intertwined with religious rhetoric and propaganda. If he truly is a Christian I cannot believe how a sane person can be that abrasive and filthy of mouth while believing God won't have a problem with it. Katt goes on to speak poorly of Conrad Murray, while in Katt's last show, Katt confessed he'd like to see Michael Jackson "dealt with" because he believed the performer a pedophile. These are just a few of Katt's many double statements and lunatic ravings. One of our greatest comedic minds is suffering, whether it be drug or stress induced, I don't know, but you can just look at Katt, how he's aged in the face, and see something has gone horribly wrong in only three short years. Add in all the news of Katt walking out of shows and his impromptu stripteases followed by push-up sessions, and it makes you wonder how much longer Katt Williams will be among the living. I feel like I just watched a cry for help, not a comedy show.

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I have been a Katt Williams fan for quite some time. I have always enjoyed his acting roles, feeling as if he added a bit of extra flavor to any scene. His stand up was funny and relevant. He would often talk about current events and I felt as if it was intelligent humor. This movie had none of those elements, it was incredibly inaccurate regarding atheism or homosexuality. His political jokes were hard to understand and his set up did very little to facilitate them. Furthermore he took many cheap shots which is far from the Katt Williams I have come to know and it makes me wonder if he got a hold of that Colonel's Fried Chicken.

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