King Frat
King Frat
R | 01 July 1979 (USA)
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Set on the quiet campus of Yellowstream University, this comedy follows the rivalries that build between two of the college's fraternities. When they're not mooning everyone they pass and throwing garbage on the lawns of rival frats, the members of the Pi Kappa Delta fraternity are mainly interested in drinking and... well, drinking. When a campus-wide farting contest is announced, Grossout, the leader of the Deltas, is all too eager to stand up, bend over and defend the honor of his fraternity.


Simply Perfect


An Exercise In Nonsense

Tymon Sutton

The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.


Well, I'm going to have to be more careful when I buy these used VHS's in the future because the one I bought of this movie is really the pits! And no, I'm not basing that on the wretched print I just viewed but the fact that there wasn't much creativity in making this Animal House ripoff. I mean, sure, there were some scatological gags in that John Belushi movie but this one is full of them and none of them are remotely very funny! Though the one with the farts used to fuel some fires was a little amusing, ditto that woman getting stuck on a "gorilla's" erection, they weren't amusing enough to remotely save this movie though there was also a funeral scene that, come to think of it, was probably the most absurd thing in this picture though it really made no sense. Okay, I've written more than 10 lines so in summary, if you're curious about this badly-made, amateurish comedy, King Frat should satisfy it soon enough...

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Let me first say that I don't comment on movies that much. But this is so much of an exception. A long time ago a public access cable show talked about this movie and how bad it was. So when I got a chance to see it I did.... 1) Just a TOTAL rip off of animal house... done BADLY. 2) Production values for some reason add to the GRIMY nature of this film which actually is a plus for the film ( you can just feel how disgusting it must have been to live in that place)with that said.. when you watch it you just want to sit there with your mouth open and just go......WHAT??? And actually for some reason with the Cheezy sound track and CORNY gross out gags in a really bad B movie way make this film actually work! If you are like 13 years old you would love this movie. I think this movie is a great example of that movie. saying "A movie so bad its actually funny". Its just so STUPID you just want to cringe at how corny it is but thats what makes it so unique.So really I guess I can say I liked it in a weird just put your head in your hands and just be amazed at how cheesy it is way.

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I saw this movie in the middle eighties, and I never forgot...I love the lame humor, the pointless gags and the "every day is a party" kind of lifestyle..Scenes like when they place some dog droppings in the ventilation of a church,where there's a funeral going on....I love this scene.Or when the "Gorilla" is stuck inside the girl and a ambulance arrives is hilarious...along with the scene in the "rubble" house, where the cook dumps spaghetti on the wall to see if its memorable...The most funny part is the farting contest.....even the dog drinks some farting elixir...and explode like a rocket... :-) Its so lame its funny.....

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Ephraim Gadsby

Whether this movie is supposed to be a spoof of "Animal House" or just a cheap rip-off, it doesn't work on many levels, except for gross humor. Anyone who enjoyed "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut" might actually find it funny. And one senses there may be a funny movie underneath fighting to get out -- but not fighting too hard.The frat-house, one of the most disgusting sets every built, is not so much a setting as a central area from which the frat members go out on tangents. Some of the plotlines are very good -- such as the new kid's romance. Some, such as the member in the gorilla suit climbing a tree to stare into a sorority, has some funny ideas. But even the best ideas in this movie tend to fail in execution. It's not a good movie by any yardstick . . . but it means well, and is good-natured. There's not a mean bone in its body.The girls are inordinately attractive for this level of film-making -- but most of the attractive ones manage to keep their clothes on.I've rented quite a number of videos of "King Frat" over the years in different boxes with different labels, released many years apart (even Canadian versions) but it's never shown in a full version. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE AMBULANCE SCENE? Only a few seconds are missing, but they're vital to understanding the best joke in the movie -- yet every version I've seen has had those few seconds snipped, between the moment the ambulance co-driver peeks in the back and stares forward again. I remember the scene clearly from having seen the movie in a drive-in in 1979; and the cut is very obvious. Yet no one has seen fit to restore just a few moments to help make the only good joke in the movie work?If anyone knows why this movie remains incomplete, if the excised moments are lost or what, or knows where I can get a restored version, please let me know.

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