Knight of the Dead
Knight of the Dead
| 30 June 2013 (USA)
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Hunted by raiders, a band of crusading knights escort the holy grail through a valley of black death where they must hack and slash their way to freedom.


Brilliant and touching


Beautiful, moving film.


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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A priest has to get The Holy Grail across a valley during the Black Plague. The plague is a horde of medieval zombies.This thing had awesome locations, and a potentially cool idea, but then screwed it all up. The first annoying factor is the grey dull tinge they give to the picture. I know they want to create a mood but it just makes people think their TV is on the fritz.The acting wasn't bad, the effects on the other hand were CGI crap. Another thing that ticked me off was they had to kill them by removing the head, or by damaging the brain. All through the film they show countless little gut stabs that finish off these zombies. So what gives? Maybe it was a time issue or continuity.Not very good at all. You don't really care what happens after about half of an hour.

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This movie is amazing the acting, the effects, the story. Screw the shining screw nightmare on elm street, screw Shaun of the dead, screw the ring, screw paranormal activity, screw Friday the 13th and screw the evil dead. This movie makes these movies look like crap!!!!!! This movie made my day I bought it on DVD for a euro well worth it and went home watched it and I was amazed, it blew my mind. It scared me for life. If you love horror movies you will love this movie I watched it twice in one day and at least ten times in a week. Go watch this movie right now its so good you will thank me and you are welcome. Good luck and good night!

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This was just so ridiculously dull. I couldn't even pay attention. The characters were boring, the plot was boring & the effects were awful. Even by low budget standards. I wouldn't recommend this.I can't even think of anything to fill in the 10 line minimum. Thoroughly disappointing movie. Don't waste your time. The sex scene was even disappointing & that's a difficult feat to achieve.Still not 10 lines. Well I can talk for England usually so the fact that I can't write a 10 line review says it all.Boring, dull, time wasting crap.1/10

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Sidney Tuttel van Dorst

There are many bad movies out there, but most have a disappointing, cliché setup to start with. This movie actually had the concept going for it. So cautious though I am with any title -of the dead, I did decide to give it a shot. Knights, the plague, zombies... works for computer games so why not a movie right? Wrong... I should have known better, I really should have. The acting is bad and cliché at best, special effects are absent so basically zombies are recognizable by either white faces or bandages. The whole movie is shown in a nearly colorless scheme, which though it works for some movies here just added to the overall feel of "low budget". The plot plays out exactly as you expect including all possible obligatory story progression.I write this 'review' just because I would have wanted a warning before I pressed play this morning, so there you are.

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