| 27 August 2016 (USA)
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A group of bored college students unleash a murderous demon while playing a dice game made from human knucklebones.


the leading man is my tpye


Waste of time


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Possibly the most awful horror film ever made, truly dire on every level . . . the acting is wooden at best, the effects mediocre, the plot ridiculous and the script is beyond bad, it is an offence to film making. At one point one of the girls is taking a piss and the Demon sneaks up behind her and says "tinkle, tinkle little star" - in a comedy this would be barely funny, in a straight horror film it makes you cringe, I wish I could say the rest of the script is better but it is not! Only reason I can think of for watching this film is to find out what not to do if you make a horror film yourself, please do not watch if your care for the state of your brain cells!

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David Love

Not the worst film I've seen cos I've watched a few Steven Segal movies, but this has little merit. For a horror flick, this is not scary. For a teen slasher movie, yawn.To its credit the pacing is good and the scenes are mostly well shot. Get a few beers in, and lower your expectations. It'll be fine.

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Michael Ledo

The film starts in 1944 with a satanic rite to raise a demon, then again in Texas at a garment factory in 1976, then 40 years later when Neesa Avery (Julin Jean) tries to kill herself over a guy. She lives, so her friends decide to do what everybody else does in this case, go to a haunted abandoned garment factory and drink...and maybe raise a demon with a couple guys with minds of adolescents.This is a pleasant 1980's throwback. There was some light humor with an original "Ghostbusters" reference to its demon. Our demon had a "Freddy" style sense of humor, unfortunately they used a voice distorter so you have to listen carefully for the lines, which spoils the fun. Oh yes, on that same night some coke heads stealing copper coincidentally come to said factory.Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (Erin Marie Garrett + uncredited Nazi girl.) Note to self: Do not perform a Satanic ritual on a submarine.

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Knucklebones, Directed by Mitch Wilson, who also wrote it, was released in 2016, it stars Julian Jean, and Tom Zembrod and Katie Bosacki, and a handful of other victims, um, players. Spoiler Alert : plot details are given.After an ambiguous opening sequence featuring Nazis, and Tits, it jumps to another unrelated bit of violence in some kind of textile plant. Jump cut to the present. You can recite the dialogue because you have heard it so many times before;"Hey I know of a deserted factory where people were murdered, lets graba few beers, and some chicks, and spend the night there". "I don't feel good about summoning a demon, but OK, what the hell". And on and on. One knows that five people visiting that night are not going to be enough. Throw in the wrecking crew, and the cops. Got to get the body count up there. and more Tits, while we are on it. Yep another wise cracking worm faced demon, doing his best Robert England impression. played by Tom Zembrod. Another suicide inclined jilted lover Julian, who survives. No one to root for here, really, On the Plus, it was technically competent, good production values, well lit, and the gore seemed to be produced as practical effects. I give this Four 'same 'ol song, Stars out of Ten. You want to see a real imaginative, demon conjuring movie? try Lo, 2009. directed by Travis Bets.

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