R | 20 October 2017 (USA)
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A young nurse is kidnapped by a group of violent teens who escape from a mental hospital and take her on the road trip from hell. Pursued by an equally deranged lawman out for revenge, one of the teens is destined for tragedy and horrors that will destroy his mind, moulding him into a monster named Leatherface.

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Simply Perfect


Save your money for something good and enjoyable


Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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If like me you love leather face then I will say this stay away from this movie it is very very bad I don't know how you can mess up a Texas chainsaw massacre film but this is living proof that you can

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I've seen complaints that this film contributes very little to the origins of Leatherface, which is true. However if you go into this without that expectation you have a very solid slasher flick, which is surprisingly well shot might I add. A fun movie intended for lovers of the genre.

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I do not know whether it is because I did not see the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre first, or simply because I am a huge fan of horror movies, but this film is one of my favorites. The narrative is hugely entertaining, and the gore is believable and not over the top. This rates has one of the sickest films that I have seen, due to its over the top sex scenes and horrific violence. I would certainly advise anybody of a nervous disposition to avoid this film, but if you're like me and are never tired of being jump-scared by horror movies, then this is the film for you.I never quite understood the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre film, but I certainly understand this one. I feel that a lot of other reviewers are too harsh with their criticisms as being "completely irrelevant and grossly disappointing". This film was a lot better than many other horror movies on IMDB that have higher ratings, in my opinion.The character's dynamics are succinct and well-acted. There are some gratuitously violent or gory scenes but what do you expect from horror movies these days? I feel that if you approach this film without any expectations, and without contrasting it against the other films in this series, then you will be able to get a satisfactory amount of entertainment from Leatherface.

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If I could rate this movie into the minus numbers I would because I've never seen a more ridiculous film that is driven entirely by the level of violence it depicts for the sheer pleasure of it. Its films like this that tend to show how bankrupt/devoid Hollywood has become of ideas to make a film instead resorting to feeding off a franchise that goes back to 1973 and has had countless sequels since then. In this case what you have are a pack of escape psychotics running around killing indiscriminately and a sheriff out for revenge who isn't much better. What lacks for a storyline is effectively made up with the gorefest deployed here, including a graphic sex scene involving a dead person. Its almost as if there was no desire to create characters here of even the most basic level of complexity to keep the viewer interested and that is sad because the notion of a prequel to this story could've been done in a far more compelling way without the reliance on depicting various methods of killing to make up for it. What I will say is that this isn't a film for anyone under the age of 18, unlike previous iterations as even I had a hard time sitting through it. I like the horror film genre but those movies that depict varying degrees of violence instead of true suspense just aren't worth the price of admission.

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