London Has Fallen
London Has Fallen
R | 04 March 2016 (USA)
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In London for the Prime Minister's funeral, Mike Banning discovers a plot to assassinate all the attending world leaders.

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Highly Overrated But Still Good


It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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Never before have I seen a terrorist movie where the terrorists outnumbers the entire police force+secret service of a whole city. This parallell universe of a story is so dumb and funny it's entertaining. Completely implausible that the POTUS would be left hiding all alone with his body guard and that the thousands of good guys would somehow be incapable of providing any security for hours and hours. But the stupidity only adds to the entertainment value. This is a movie you could watch with Donald Trump, Sean Hannity. a bag of potatoechips and some cheeseburgers. Good republican fun. It's nasty storytelling but it's better to address the problem in a juvenile way like this than to be forced to silence by the PC-police.

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Sometimes what looks like a half-decent movie judging from actors, press material and so on, turns out to be just SHOCKINGLY bad. Add this to the list. What utterly provokes me to write this review is not so much the completely bland and predictable storytelling that looks like it could have been done by a 12-year-old. Neither is it the characters being as flat as pancakes, with every attempt to humanize them ending up being ridiculous (for instance some failed bro-mancy moments between the president and his guardian). It is not even the obvious stealing from other movies (there is for instance a line straight out of "The Matrix"), the bad CGI, or the bad acting (then again, what could they do with this s*** script?) - no, it is the blatant propaganda and racism at the core of the movie's mindset that both saddens and infuriates me. Had the main characters been North-Koreans fighting against the US, everybody would just laugh their asses off, because of how one-sided and stereotypical it is: Arabs are evil, Americans are civilized, end of story. Lena Riefenstahl would have been proud. Come on, is this view on the world productive in any way?

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The British Prime Minister has died and leaders from around the world have come to London to pay their respects. So too have terrorists.TWO things you'll LIKE about "London Has Fallen": The action is fun and loud. There's lots of bullets and explosions and stuff. Turn up your surround sound and watch the windows vibrate. 2) Not once do you hear the omnipresent magical words usually said by terrorists before they kill the good guys.TWO things you'll DISLIKE: 1) The CGI. It's not very good. Nowadays CGI explosions look good and realistic, and it's an inexpensive (and safer) alternative to the real thing. The CHI here looks like cheap CGI. I've seen better in homemade YouTube videos. 2) The script. This movie and its lead actor are better when there's no dialogue.

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More like, "Script Standards Have Fallen". Was this an exercise in how much money will it take for these great actors to sell themselves out? This movie had to have been written for The Simpsons' McBain. Not even a good popcorn movie. Fortunately, most Londoners who survived The Bliz have passed away so they didn't have to suffer again by having to watch this movie.

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