Long Distance
Long Distance
R | 22 April 2005 (USA)
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A young woman accidentally dials the number of a serial killer who decides to make her his next victim.


Expected more


Best movie ever!


I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.

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Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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The film is very good till the very last two minutes. You will really be thrilled and frightened by this film but you will lose tracks of any rational meaning at the end. After a while you will not know who is who and where you stand and that will be definitely scary. A good thriller provide you do not try to understand the end. The punch line will punch you down flat on the ground. Some will tell you that end does not provide you with a solution to the crimes. True. But at the same time some others will say the solution is quite obvious. And that's where I say all rational logic is lost. No matter who the killer could be how could he or she be in four or five states away from the original place, and at the same time with the girl who would be seized by a serious case of delusion. Then what is the role of the FBI profiler all along and even after the last crime? She has been a witness of it all and yet she completely goofed it off and down. That does not work. To know the killer at the end is not important but all the possible solutions have to be possible not materially impossible.Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, University Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, CEGID

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Long Distance is about a distraught grad student, Nicole Freeman (Monica Keena from The Devil's Advocate and Dawson's Creek) working on her thesis. A no longer a teen not quite a woman type whose unfaithful boyfriend Chris left her and mother figures it's her fault. Who feels estranged from the rest of the world for reasons unknown, likely due to the breakup. When trying to call her mother, she accidentally misdials the number of a strange man named Joe (Kevin Chapman from The Boondock Saints, The Cider House Rules, Blow, "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation", Mystic River, 21 Grams, "24") Wow this guy has been in a lot of good stuff.When a policeman (Ivan Martin from.. umm.. well, nothing I recognized), anyway he arrive the next day to inform Nicole that a murder has occurred from the house of Joe, we begin to piece together a puzzle of terror as she tries to stop him from killing again, as he makes his way across the country to her doorstep.Conceptually though the movie is interesting.Winding right when you think it's going to go over the edge of mediocrity, a car climbing a twisting mountain at night, encased in fog. They bring in a profiler (Tamala Jones from Booty Call, Head of State, and One on One), to help catch the killer known only as "Joe". She talks of Freud, freedom, and the shadows we cast, a choice of words I found intriguing.The sound effects sounded like maybe they were chosen by Roger Waters in a small EMI studio, circa 1968.The music is really innovative and ambient. The kind of movie I'd own the soundtrack to but never the movie.The Achilles heal of Long Distance is the dialog, but when you figure it out it starts to make more sense why the film works so well conceptually, but not emotionally. Symbolically, but not literally.

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A dizzy girl gets calls from a serial murderer that send her from a moronic dumb blond (who can read), to a poorly acted and unbelievable anxious dumb blond, and then back and forth several times (with more incredulous screen presence in between). She is supported in our distress by what can only be described as cops worthy of a minor role in a TV soap as the dialogue blunders on and on, and we wonder if this rubbish will ever end.When that end comes, albeit with a weak twist, we are left feeling neither scared, sympathetic nor interested (or any other emotion apart, perhaps, from dismay). It turns out the whole first 1hr20 of the film were delusions and that the serial caller/killer is actually a voice in her head that helped her kill her boyfriend and his lover. The last 10 minutes attempts to tidy up the mess already made by rearranging all the previously unbelievable characters (from the delusion) as newly unbelievable characters in the 'real world'.The only point at which Monica Keena became a believable character as at the end in her catatonic state, lying still and staring blankly into space seemed to come naturally (perhaps this is what got her the job on the casting couch), although, to be fair, perhaps it was just an inept director and pathetic script that made her so bad.No attempt was made at any point to get us engaged with the actors or the plot and whilst 'the clues were there' as to the outcome, by the time the twist came we no longer cared. This could be a high school production.

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I saw the premier show of Long Distance in NY. I am not an enormous fan of suspense/thriller movies, however I found this one to be spot on. The ending took me entirely by surprise. I would rank the twist in the end to one of my all time favorites "The Usual Suspects". This is a movie you have to see again to determine what you missed the first time around. I will be looking for this movie to come to Boston so I can see it again. The length of the movie seemed about right, I didn't find myself looking at my watch at any point during the show. I found it interesting that the pool was not included in the original script and in the end it fit in so well with the story line. Great picture!

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