Losing Control
Losing Control
R | 23 March 2012 (USA)
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A smart and original, quirky comedy about a female scientist who wants proof that her boyfriend is "the one."


Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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Pretty Good


What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.

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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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This is supposed to be a romantic comedy about a female scientist who wants proof that her boyfriend is "the one".Alas, this movie is full of every stereotype there is... and the portraits of scientific culture are implausible too.To start with the heroine: she's shown as having a complete "life plan" written out on an oversized piece of paper, from age 6 up to her 30s. Her boyfriend seems quite nice, her purported reasons for dumping him to "play the field" make little sense.As to her academic life, it's about as plausible as a Wiley E. Coyote cartoon: the description of her research project is very silly, she treats an important academic presentation like a school bake sale, her presentation to (supposedly) other scientific colleagues is at the elementary-school level, and her adviser seems to think that if a biotech experiment doesn't work, "scaling it up" is the magic ingredient for improvement.Oh, and the dialog is really boring, too.My husband and I gave up on this after about 15 minutes. For once, we agree completely on the rating: 1/10.

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Had a wonderful few hours watching this funny movie about trying to scientifically prove romance. How does a scientist prove love? This sweet movie involves loves, questions about love, quirky characters, espionage and a few hours of great laughs. The main character, Sam, is on her way to defend her Phd, but along the way hits a few bumps in the road and begins to question her life and choices. Is Ben a 'keeper,' should she continue to defend her scientific theory, is Leslie's love advice good practice, and will her mother's hat work?Go see the movie and find out!

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I almost never, actually just plain never, choose to watch romantic comedies. But I was invited to a special viewing and damn! This was a well-written witty film with good science humor and the doctor from Star Trek Enterprise, so that was a good start for me. The production quality is amazing, with excellent colors making it very pleasing to the eye. To accompany the visual appeal I enjoyed the light-hearted feel displayed through upbeat but not loud music, never too slow pace, and skillfully not over-woven subplots. Another element probably not noticed by most viewers is the accurate portrayal of post-doc lab environments and the frustrations of our PhD scientist people. Thus the plot becomes very plausible.So while I never choose to watch romantic comedies, I have in fact seen many, and this one kicks the crap out of all of those!

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When I go to see a comedy, I'm usually satisfied if I get a good two or three hearty laughs. This one gave me one or two chuckles, no full laughs, and an awful lot of groans.The actors did a decent job with what they were given. The plot started out well enough, but soon devolved in a series of tenuously connected scenes, many completely absurd. However, not absurd enough to be a good farce.I'm not one to shy away from expletives, particularly in a good action movie, but the gratuitous expletives in this movie were really distracting, inappropriate, and out of character. I'm not sure if that was due to the script or direction or both. Either way, not good.So basically, bad writing, bad direction, okay acting. May or may not be a waste of time, depending on your mindset.

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