Memory Run
Memory Run
R | 20 February 1996 (USA)
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The year is 2015, and big brother is everywhere. The search for immortality is over. Science has finally achieved the impossible, undermining the most basic aspect of life: that Mind, Body, and Soul must be one, Those who benefit from this new technology will wake up to a new and youthful beginning - the rest of humankind must live a bad dream and wake up to a living nightmare that goes beyond life, beyond death, and beyond redemption.


SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??


Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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OK, people, its a film about brain transplants.Once you get past this utterly outlandish concept, then movie actually proves to be quite entertaining and, in some areas, quite well done. I do have issues with the ending - basically, the hero gets his girlfriend pregnant, both are killed, but his brain is whipped out at the last moment and put into her body. Thus the hero is a heroine for most of the movie.It does seem to me that if you put a man's brain in a woman's body you would end up with a woman who thought and acted in a "masculine" way, but at the end of the movie the heroine seems to exhibit stereotypical maternal instincts. OK, you could argue that having all those feminine hormones washing around your bloodstream may affect your way of thinking, but quite frankly this film, entertaining though it is, just isn't worth arguing about.This film can be quite good fun, especially when served with generous amounts of alcohol.

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This is one of the few films I have EVER seen, I would call TOTAL RUBBISH!It is a shame to see a talent like Nigel Benett, wasted in such trash.It truly has NO redeeming qualities,The screenplay is completely incoherent, to the point one has to only imagine the editor, had some kind of brain aneurysm, whilst working on it.Somewhere after what may, or may not be, the second act, there is a 20 minute motorbike, "chase", that simply serves no purpose, other than to show off some "special effects" and explosions, and even they are so cheap, it is embarrassing to watch.I have no idea, how you even get finance, let alone insurance to make such a film.This film makes Plan9 from Outer Space look like Lord of the Rings! At least Plan9, had ambition, beyond its years, or finance.Life is too short, >AVOID< >AVOID< >AVOID< >AVOID<.

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Ivan McKeon

There's a decent enough slice of science fiction lurking somewhere in this story but it's well hidden in a low budget TV standard shoot-em-up production.The fact that the director felt it necessary to supply 3 screens-worth of background information at the start demonstrates that he doesn't have a lot of faith in the quality of the screenplay. Lots of machine guns and explosions punctuate the unimaginative dialogue. The actors do their best but they don't have a lot to work with.The film does have its moments and from time to time begins to develop relationships between the characters, but the director seems determined to keep rushing on to the next unremarkable action sequence instead of allowing the viewer any kind of emotional engagement.

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The action takes place in the future where the monolithic 'Life Corporation' has taken control of the majority of all humanity, and the story itself focuses on ‘Andre' (Chris Makepeace) who's parents were killed by 'Life' storm troopers when he was a young child. Andre's subsequent capture and torture by 'Life' troopers set the story into motion, and also bring several ethical issues to the forefront -- issues that also confront our society today. Gender, genetics, transplantation, and the use of power; the exploration of these issues drive the remainder of the film. Barry Morse plays the pivotal role of ‘Bradden', the maniacal Chairman of the 'Life Corporation', with gusto, and surprises with his portrayal of the romantic side of the character. Bradden's plans for perpetuating the leadership of the corporation through certain means must be stopped at any cost.

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