Mickey's Elephant
Mickey's Elephant
NR | 10 October 1936 (USA)
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A friend shipped Mickey a baby elephant named Bobo as a playmate for Pluto. Pluto's first introduction is to Bobo's trunk, through a fence. He's not thrilled, and marches away. The playful Bobo grabs Pluto's tail and follows. Pluto's devil self tells him he's being replaced, and tells him to attack with red pepper.


not as good as all the hype


An action-packed slog

Yash Wade

Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.


In this cartoon short, Pluto, convinced by his inner-devil, thinks that he has been replaced as Mickey's pet by a baby elephant (which, by the way, looks like a overgrown and overly chubby Dumbo) the Bobo. He appeared to be too friendly with Pluto, which ticked the dog off immediately.Many of these Disney cartoon shorts, unfortunately, follow the same formula of an overly cute animal character who antagonizes the main character. For example, in past cartoons, Frankie the bird drives Figaro crazy; a penguin eats Donald's prized goldfish; and in this cartoon short, Bobo tries too hard to force Pluto to be friendly with him. Also, in a lot of these cartoons with Mickey's name in the title, Mickey himself hardly appears in the story.The animation Mickey and Pluto looked good as always, but the drawings for Bobo looked pretty hideous. Not much laughs here and the overall story was pretty boring and non-substantive - just Pluto not getting along with Bobo, while Mickey is sequestered to the sidelines painting Bobo's new house. The ending left things ambiguous. One of the worst cartoons featuring both Mickey and Pluto.Grade D---

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This Mickey Mouse Silly Symphonies short from 1936 is very much inspired by their Warner Bothers rivals.Mickey receives Bobo, a baby Indian elephant a gift from an Indian Rajah. Whilst Mickey builds a house for his elephant Pluto does not seem to be thrilled.In fact we see a Devil Pluto who splits from him and playing on his fears and negativity and encourages him to be mischievous.The shenanigans from Pluto leads to Bobo having a sniffing fit and ultimately blowing everything round him and Pluto realises that his devilish side might not always be acting for Pluto's own interest.

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You have probably guessed I love the Disney Silly Symphonies, they are just so cute, funny and endearing. While "Mickey's Elephant" doesn't rank as a favourite of mine like "Ugly Duckling", "The Old Mill", "Flowers and Trees", "Skeleton Dance" and "Wynken, Blynken and Nod"(and of course "Steamboat Willie" is timeless), it is very cute and amusing. While it is isn't particularly laugh-out-loud funny, and the pace is a bit too fast, it is very enjoyable, thanks chiefly to the lovely animation and the outstanding music. There is a nice story, and the characters are endearing, especially the baby elephant Bobo who is so cute I think. The voice acting is excellent, Walt Disney does a good enough job as Mickey, and there is a very good lesson learnt at the end. Speaking of the ending as someone on YouTube said quite rightly, I love how nobody wins-Bobo keeps sneezing, Mickey's hard work is ruined and Pluto is angry because his house gets blown away. Overall, a very nice watch. 8/10 Bethany Cox

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Julia Arsenault (ja_kitty_71)

I love this short and it is one of my favorite Mickey Mouse shorts from 1936. I am quite terribly particular about that (a favorite cartoon short from which year). Anyway, in this short, Mickey receives Bobo a baby elephant from India as a gift from the Rajah of Gahbooh. Of course, Pluto's first introduction was with Bobo's trunk, through a fence while Bobo was playing with a ball, and the ball going under the fence. Pluto was not thrilled and marches away. But the playful Bobo grabs Pluto's tail and follows. Of course, Pluto didn't like it at all, especially when he begins to suspect that he's being replaced thanks to his bad side - a devil version of himself.I love how little Bobo is designed, he's so cute. And you know, this cartoon has a lesson in it and it is: NEVER listen to the devil in you!

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