Muhammad: The Last Prophet
Muhammad: The Last Prophet
| 08 November 2002 (USA)
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More than fourteen centuries ago, Mecca was filled with gambling, drunkenness, slavery, the mistreatment of women, and greed. The holy Ka'bah was littered with idol gods. Pilgrims came by the thousands to worship them. Quarysh, Mecca's ruling body, reveled in the their good fortune but cared little for the welfare of the pilgrims of Arabia.Against this dismal scene, a man named Muhammad (pbuh) retreated to a cave high above Mecca to pray. The events that transpired in that cave changed the course of human history.This is the story of the blessings of Muhammad (pbuh) - The Last Prophet.


Wonderful character development!


Perfect cast and a good story


Crappy film

Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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This is an excellent movie, well suited, I think, for a teaching role in elementary schools. The movie serves as a well constructed introduction to Mohammed and Islam, suitable for minds 8 years old and up. It has a sort of Ballywood flavor, in that serious matters are leavened by humor and music at appropriate moments. The animation is well done, and the movie runs at a comfortable speed.I rated it so highly, though, because I thought it so effectively portrayed Islam as someone growing up in Islam would be introduced to it. This is something, I think, that we would do well to expose our own children to, not to convert them, but to show why Muslims believe as they do.When many of us look at Islam, we look it as a historical phenomenon, as a force which arose 1500 years ago, conquered a good portion of the world, and with which, now, we have relatively bad relations. We look at it as far more a political force, than we do as a religious faith.By contrast, growing up in America, a nation 70% of which calls itself Christian, even those of us who don't consider ourselves Christian think of Christianity as a faith, not a political force. We recognize that Christians use politics to achieve their goals, but we credit that their goals stem from their faith.We do so because we grow up learning the Christian faith. We know all the stories about Christ in the Manger, all the stories about Bethlehem and the Star. We know all about the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and Jesus Christ Superstar--even if we do not accept these things, we recognize them as the manifestation of Christian faith. And we understand those stories as speaking to the principles of the faith.By contrast, many of us think that Islam is an excuse for political behavior, that its religious tenets--such as jihad--exist only to justify the political behavior. What "Mohammed, The Last Prophet" does so successfully, I think, is to introduce the principles that a kid growing up in a Muslim country would learn through their stories even as children growing up in America learn Christian principles through their stories.If our next generation of children can be shown that Islam is not only a political force, but, rather, a faith shared by millions based on a commonality of stories, much akin to the same sort of Christian stories American children are learning from their parents and communities, then there will not, I think, be in the future the same sort of hostility towards Islam that so many Americans fear and evince.

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I love this movie, it is very clever in dealing with the viewer, it is suitable for all the different ages and backgrounds. I loved the plot, the history, the characters and definitely the production. The story is a well known one, which is the story of the beginning of Islam and of prophet Mohammad, but this movie present it in a very unique way that is both objective and challenging. I personally loved the narration and the style of conversation, of course the kids loved it too much that they showed at school and kept talking about it till now. excellent piece of work, I simply find it a well written, directed, produced movie. Well done,

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Although, the animation is not good but the film itself tells you the truth about Islam. The film tries to cover most of the events but still lack the incidents happened to God's Prophet (PBUH) and difficulties he faced during his lifetime. These types of films should be made to encourage people to know Islam. Foreign media is controlled by people who doesn't want people to know how simple and peaceful Islamic teachings are but even in this film it has been clearly showed, Muslims never bow before any power they only bow before ALLAH. If anyone thinks its a propaganda and whatever showed in this film is not true then he or she should read history. Books never tells a lie and there are lots of books which tells you HOW HONEST Islamic teachings are. thanks

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Mohamad Taufiq Bin Morshidi

Assalamualikum,I was disappointed by Hollywood because of their movies which stereotyped Muslims as terrorist, paedophiles and girl beaters. But when i heard about this anime, i was surprised! The animation is cool, the storyline has the mix of Oliver Stone and the Quran. I recommend it a 8/10. This anime is about the life of Muhammad and how Mecca has transformed from a pagan city to a holy Islamic town. If you're an anti-Muslim but wants to know the truth about Islam, then go see this movie. You wont be disappointed. Director Richard Rich has followed the syariah law in order to create a nice movie. Thank you Rich and may Allah bless you.Wassalam

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