Nina Forever
Nina Forever
| 12 February 2016 (USA)
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Holly loves Rob and tries to help him through his grief – even if it means contending with his dead girlfriend Nina, who comes back, bloody and broken, every time they make love


Great visuals, story delivers no surprises


Crappy film


Better Late Then Never


A bit overrated, but still an amazing film


I really enjoyed Nina Forever, it's like a really black comedy, that shows how good a film can be made on a tiny budget.The main focus is around a character called Nina who tragically dies, leaving her boyfriend to pick up the pieces of his life, but then she comes back.While being very graphic and very sweary Nina Forever is also very very charming, it's a beautiful story of loves lost, loves found and loves twisted grip.I gather the film was shot on a budget of around $13,000 but took a very long time to make. The wear does show as one of the characters does age a little during the film, but it's good. No it's all good.The film is funny, horrible and utterly cool. It's a prime example that low budget British Horror does have a place in society. And it's also a first rate top notch film masterpiece regardless of country of origin.

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Paul Evans

I will never give up on a film, within reason, but there were times during this that I either wanted to fall asleep, or just switch off. I wanted to see it, purely because it had Fiona O'Shaughnessy, a girl who's quickly become one of my favourite actresses, hugely talented, and that voice, she is fantastic, but even she couldn't inject the spark that failed to light this film. A film that crosses over so many different genres, it's attempting to be avant garde, psychological, black humoured, it does bits of each, but isn't particularly strong in any. The music was great throughout, acting spot on, maybe it was the direction, just a bit slow.This should have been awesome. 5/10

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I think the directors were inspired by other movies when they made this but the result is not to well. The main issue is that it follows the same scenes over and over again, the couple is making love, the dead ex-girlfriend mysteriously appears from under the sheet and so on. After one hour I had to stop it and finish the film two days later, it was that boring.Maybe more complex it was better and not so humble with the story, the only good aspect is the acting witch wasn't too bad and Nina's appearances who were creepy, at least for me. Only to watch by fans of the resurrection, blood, tender and horror all this put together in a film and you get Nina Forever.

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The work is fresh, unique, and entertaining. It may not have the scope and depth of a great work, but it is certainly good. This is what is good. The photography is guided by an almost nostalgic staging, with the hard shots of a modern view as counterpoint. The sex scenes are so well shot that they are not pornographic, but all the stuff of modern soft porn is there. We are aroused, but the acts are blended with this crazy, complex mix of macabre and psychological challenge that move us away from banal voyeurism to actively dealing with the absurd position of the characters. The staging for the camera is right out of the 40's at times, and posed perfectly for effect. Great camera direction.The actors give enough to make it work, and that says a lot for them, as this is a very tough film. It moves in a space between black comedy and drama, which is a dangerous place to put actors and camera, easy to bog down, go flat, or list from one genre to another. Acting would have to be light, with dramatic effect made by the mise en scene supporting the effort of the players. This can be said of any film, but in this film, it is a critical necessity. The camera gives us absurd without humor or pathos, simply the view expressing the element of the shot. Which leads to...The score. This film could never be what it is without the brilliant sound craft. Score, and sound effects have become an other art form in the digital era, and carry a bigger, more fundamental role in creating motion picture work. This film owes lots to a really brilliant scoring, working precisely with the camera for cinematic affect.This work must be taken as, not a giant, but certainly a shot at form and structure off the path, and done well. Hey, kids, don't try this at home.

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