Ninja Death
Ninja Death
| 01 January 1987 (USA)
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Tiger is the owner of a brothel who moonlights as a kung fu artist under the watchful eye of "Master." They run into serious trouble when ninjas inexplicably show up and jeopardize Tiger's prostitution ring.


I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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Very disappointing...


As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.

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The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.

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This review is for Ninja Death parts 1,2 and 3, as I think this is the only way you can get to see Ninja Death anyway (or Ninja Tiger, as its also called). Hopefully this review will give you an idea of the insanity that's on display.As you've no doubt read elsewhere, Ninja Death literally starts off with a ninja being killed, as a battle breaks out between a load of ninjas led by the grandmaster, and three brothers trying to protect a baby and a princess. After much fighting, the grandmaster steps in an tears one of the brother's eyes out. He beats another one into submission (and kicks him about 60 feet across the ground), whereupon the princess kills herself and the other brother escapes with the baby (or rather, a dummy is thrown off a cliff). Cue the creditless opening sequence, which can cause brain damage to those not used to these crazy films. This is only the first five minutes of Part One! Years later, Tiger runs a brothel, under the watchful eye of his pretend beggar master. We see Tiger touting for business and getting into a conversation with some hookers that wouldn't be out of place in a porno. There's also loads of nudity here for all you nudity fans out there. The whole point of this seems to be to introduce a Japanese brother and sister, who are working for the grandmaster and trying to strip Tiger of his clothes to see if he has a certain tattoo. This involves tricking Tiger into a room where the brother tries to strip him. Tiger gets the wrong end of the stick here: "Not the backdoor!" and his master soon gets wind of what's happening. Cue much training footage.Meanwhile, the grandmaster (who makes a dramatic entrance that must be seen to be believed) preps his ninjas and we get to see the devil mask ninja, who usually runs about at high speed, going especially mental every time the grandmaster plays a flute.The master sends Tiger to see a blind fortune teller and it's around this time the dubbing switches from American to English, just in time for Tiger to say 'plum flower' over and over again. The Japanese sister becomes his lover and everyone in the brothel is killed by ninjas. Tiger's master (who is a ninja) pays the grandmaster a visit, finds out the devil mask guy is his brother, and gets his arse kicked. End of part one.Part Two spends the first forty minutes explaining what happened in the first film and training up Tiger for his big battle. Turns out he's a Japanese prince, his master was his uncle, and devil mask is his dad. Also, his mum isn't dead after all. The dubbing is back to American again and truly becomes surreal, as if the dubbing crew might have watched the film once before dubbing. Part 2 picks up again as various battles break out, most notably Devil Mask guy going berserk and pulling a guy's head off with his bare hands before rampaging through the countryside, pulling people's guts out. Also, most of this part of Ninja Death takes place beside waterfalls for some reason, and the Princess sounds like Lady Diana.Part Three is where everyone gears up for the big battle. On one side you have the blind fortune teller and his crew, Tiger and the Japanese brother and sister, and on the other side you've got the grandmaster, devil mask, and infinite ninjas. There's a battle every minute and wait till you see a) The grandmaster's hammers, which detach themselves and fly at his opponents, b) Tiger's entrance to the big battle which involves him flying up into the air and things exploding c) Devil Mask's entrance to the last battle which involves him flying 400 yards horizontally through a forest and d) Loads of wire work, people flying about and a good pay off.Ninja Death really is up there as one of the most demented films I've watched. The dubbing is insane and gets worse as the film progresses. The fights are bizarre and even gory in parts (one guy gets one of the grandmaster's hammers straight to the face and its bloody as hell). One guy punches himself in the head to death and Tiger has a little adventure with some peasants that's completely pointless and mental at the same time. I'd recommend this one to fans of obscure, weird and bad films. Be warned though – watch it only in instalments. It took me about a week to get through them all and I was glad I did.

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This film is a masterpiece. It is possibly the most ridiculous film ever made yet appears to take itself seriously throughout. Its the only kung fu film I've ever seen with lots of naked women and sexual references which makes it even more funny. The trick-or-treat style costumes, crazy editing and voice overs all make it a non-stop laugh riot if you like bad films.I don't recommend this film for dull minded people who need everything to make sense or be easy to understand. This film is for people who know how much fun the absurdity of Kung Fu can be.This is now my second favorite kung fu movie, my first is still "Wheels on Meals" with Jackie Chan, its not quite as absurd as this one though.Both of those films (and many others including Ninja Death 2) are available for free, legally, online with Joost. Download their player and go to the "Tokyo Pulp" channel and you can view them for free.

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In response to the previous post, the reason this movie ends so inconclusively is that it's actually a part of a trilogy, the other two seeming not to be listed on IMDb as far as I can tell. However, suffice it to say, they're great martial arts movies, cheesy, poorly dubbed, and kind of insane. Good mindless fun, entertaining to watch, and many things to laugh about.The choreography and production values are decent for this type of movie, and it's fast paced enough to have kept me entertained during the slower bits, the costuming and terrible special effects are highly entertaining (particularly the full body gold outfit with red cape) and there's some very very low brow jokes in here, particularly dealing with sex. (the main character starts out as a bouncer in a whorehouse). The dubbing is amusingly bad, and as mentioned does switch accents halfway through the movie.I got this movie (and the other two parts of the trilogy) as a part of a wonderfully cheap set off amazon of 50 Martial Arts movies on 12 double sided DVDs, which can be picked up for around 20 dollars. A great bargain.

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This movie was given to me as a birthday present that someone had found at a gas station for $5. The movie in itself is a joke, the dialouge is either badly translated or was done in a brilliant style of dubbing ala "What's Up Tiger Lily" and "Kung Pow: Enter The Fist." The DVD has one special feature, scene selection which is divided into 4 equal parts without titles. There are no credits, no introductions or conclusions this movie is a gift from the heavens. If you see this, buy it. I have never laughed so hard at movie that was intentionally or unintentionally funny.

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