One Under the Sun
One Under the Sun
| 14 March 2017 (USA)
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Astronaut Kathryn Voss, sole survivor of a disastrous space shuttle mission, is a distraught mother desperate to reunite with her terminally ill daughter but becomes a wanted fugitive after discovering she possesses an extraordinary gift.


Well Deserved Praise


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Brilliant and touching


It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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Amateurish direction and production. Writing was pretty LAME. Then there's the simple fact that the story pretty much goes nowhere from beginning to end. Many scenes drag on way too long. Most of the actors are relatively unknown, but fair for their relative inexperience. Watching the movie was like watching a play that was slapped together by a bunch of people who either didn't have their heart in it, or who were too absorbed to realize how terrible the overall project was or would wind up becoming. Editing wasn't that good, but sometimes and editor is stuck with what he or she has. "Well let's see. I've got scenes A, B, and C. I could leave them in alphabetical order or I could rearrange them into a B, A, C or a C, A, B pattern. Boy! Wouldn't the audience be really mesmerized If I cut it as a B, C, A or a C, B, A layout? No wait! I almost forgot! There's the rarely used A, C, B sequence! Whoo! I'm a genius!" I'm sorry! Turds are turds! It doesn't matter in what order you squeeze them out. Pardon my vulgarity, but this film failed only because someone put too much effort into getting the OK for it to be produced. The reason it didn't get a (1) rating is because most of the actors did well, considering what they were given.

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The acting was horrible. The visuals are cheap and uninspiring No direction to anything as the story continues to go nowhere. It was so bad it would not even put me to sleep because I kept thinking you have got to be kidding me no movie can be this bad. The story line sounds amazing would love to see a real movie done with this story. Not this low budget waste of time.

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The message of this film is ripe for these times. Thanks for this. And thanks to the few film makers who are courageous enough to share a vision of a possibility. Without that, the world, our one world, would be bleak indeed.So many contemporary movies are without ideas. They are rehashes of rehashes. This one is not.

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This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life and I've seen many, MANY movies including some very bad ones. What made it so awful is the arrogant lecturing tone of much of the dialogue, the over-the-top sentimentality, the wooden acting (if you can call what they did on screen "acting") and the very poor attempts at depth and relevancy by trying to pretend that there is some far reaching message in it -- there was none. I'd really like my $3.99 back for renting it but I know that is a lost cause so I'll just do what I can to keep others from making the same mistake and hope to never come across this lame writer, this godawful producer, this terrible director and these horrible actors again.

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