Overnight Delivery
Overnight Delivery
PG-13 | 07 April 1998 (USA)
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A man suspects his girlfriend of being unfaithful, so he sends her a letter, but then finds out that he was wrong. He has 24 hours to stop the package, prevent a disaster, and fall in love. The only problem is the delivery man will not stop until the package has been delivered.


You won't be disappointed!


What a waste of my time!!!

Frances Chung

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.


A college freshman who thinks his long-distance girlfriend is cheating on him sends her the most disgusting Dear Jane letter imaginable (complete with icky and salacious visual aids). But the next morning, he realizes that the truth of the matter has been distorted across the distance, and vows to retrieve the package. Problem: he sent it overnight delivery, and the package has just been picked up. Now he sets off down-river on a wild goose chase to intercept Global Express and save his relationship, with the help of a new friend...Overnight Delivery is not a movie for everyone. Namely, it is not a movie for those who cannot:get past high school;accept that an updated and higher-profile version of something might not be as good as the quirky original;appreciate the tenuous art of stylized-realistic suspension of plausibility for black comedic effect.Like the denatured teenybopper ripoff it inspired in Road Trip, Overnight Delivery contains certain plot points that require suspension of disbelief, and in the grand tradition of black comedies of the road (c.f. Planes, Trains and Automobiles), concentrates an implausibly high number of setbacks and disasters into a single forty-eight-hour stretch of dramatic time.However, with the exception of one or two, none of these scenarios is really all that unenvisionable in and of itself. The unstable (and ungrateful!) personality of Wyatt Trips would have made for a totally unsympathetic and impossible-to-follow character in the hands of anyone else, but Paul Rudd diggs in and shines with such virile passion that the viewer cannot begrudge him the beautiful women who are so enamored of him (even if we would like him to share the wealth a bit... heh, heh! - sorry, that's my immature side coming out).On the surface, Reese Witherspoon's performance might not seem so memorable by comparison, but Ivy "von Trapp" Miller is complicated in her own, subtle way, and Witherspoon plays it to perfection. Whereas Wyatt is an obvious (but likable) neurotic and repressed post-adolescent whose pitiful attempts at playing the straight man fool no one, Ivy is actually a straight woman attempting to be a rebel - and good at fooling people into thinking she is. So good, in fact, that at the end, when she offers a HIGHLY quirky suggestion for how to solve their latest problem (by avoiding it), one must wonder just how serious she actually is.To wit, the chemistry between Rudd and Witherspoon is incredible, and the director does an amazing job of making them bounce off one another before they gradually resign themselves to complementing one another.I have already compared this movie to its descendant, Road Trip, but this is inevitable, since this latter is so much better known. However, the two films, despite the obvious plot similarities, are not alike. Road Trip is about psychologically high school students struggling to adjust to a new setting. They're not, mentally, out of high school, not even at the end of the film. Overnight Delivery is about two young adults who are already well out of high school but struggling to come to terms with the magnitude of that huge step.When they do, they are free at last: Wyatt from his repression, and Ivy from her fake rebel persona. Well, mostly, anyway. In the end they stay true to themselves AND their thinly-veiled desires.

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I watched this movie last week late night on some random network, the reason being that I was intrigued by the fact that both Paul Rudd and Reese Witherspoon (two great actors) were in the movie and yet I have never heard of it. From the beginning, my suspicions were that the movie would be awful, and sadly, those were confirmed within the first 20 minutes. The myriad of problems in this movie, the ridiculous plot, unrealistic dialog, incomprehensible development/dismissal of characters (e.g. Wyatt's friends), and sub-par acting have reserved a special place for this movie in Video Hell.I'll start with the plot, the premise of which was promising, but ultimately better conceived in Road Trip (not the greatest movie itself but still somewhat entertaining). Look, I'll buy into suspension of disbelief, but to expect me to believe the whole scenario where Wyatt and Ivy decide to send the photos/condom to his girlfriend borders on insulting.In the same vein, the dialog sounds like it was written by someone who has never been a college-aged kid, and as a stripper, Ivy's dialog was written very poorly as well.Concerning character development, both Wyatt's friends and Christine Taylor's part were severely under-developed. For instance, Wyatt's friends appear to be a major part of the movie for the first 20 minutes, only to be unceremoniously dropped for the remainder of the film.Furthermore, the movie inexplicably bills Christine Taylor as being a main character, yet she is only on screen a grand total of 20 minutes as well. I can only attribute these problems to poor editing, confirmed by the fact that the movie was originally supposed to be 30 minutes.Finally, I get the feeling that pretty much every big name actor in the movie phoned it in to an extent. Paul Rudd spent the majority of the movie trying his hardest to be John Cusack on crack, which is annoying for the first half of the movie, infuriating for the latter half. This from a guy who has been a scene stealer in pretty much every other movie he's been in. Reese Witherspoon spends most of the movie with an "I need to fire my agent for getting me into this" look, and most of the other characters fail to bring laughs, although granted, they didn't have much to work with in the first place.The bottom line is that "Overnight Delivery" is not a campy-yet-funny movie along the lines of "Heavyweights" (which has the same IMDb rating ), it's a poorly written piece of drivel which should be used as an example for How-Not-to-Make-a-Movie. If nothing else, I left the movie having a newfound respect for the high-profile names that survived this travesty and went on to bigger and better things.

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This is a very funny and sweet comedy with some of my favorite movie stars Paul Rudd and Reese Witherspoon. They both do really well and make a good movie couple. I like the movie because it was in good taste and it had comic humor to it. I also felt bad for the delivery man! Rent it and enjoy it!

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If you ever see this movie in your TV-Guide , you should watch it. Not because it's great fun or perfect entertainment . But if you do , you know where the story of Road Trip is taken from . The most exciting part of the movie is the question on what reasons Wyatt will split up with his girlfriend to be free for Ivy

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