| 15 March 2018 (USA)
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Paradox Trailers

A loud poem. A whimsical western tale of music and love.


Masterful Movie


Excellent, a Must See


if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.


You really have to know what to expect with this one. If you're not already a fan, this is not going to make you one, so just walk on. Otherwise, crack open a cold one and roll another number - you're still definitely gonna need it if you want to make it all the way through this ride. Chances are you'll fall asleep halfway through and won't wake up till the morning comes.Neil Young wanted to make a movie with his band buddies where they all hang out on Neil's ranch dressed up in old-timey clothes, spouting all sorts of cryptic nonsense. Sometimes they take dumps, stylishly filmed with a super-8 or some other analog film camera. On occasion, they rock out. Neil mostly sits in a chair, remarking on the moon, playing a lick here and there, generally looking old. He does this with the usual poise and dignity inherent in his loner persona. He is at his most aged and lonesome when he's singing a solo rendition of Pocahontas, backing himself with a big pipe organ.The camerawork is terrible (they clearly had tripods and all that stuff, they just chose not to use them). The acting doesn't really qualify as acting, since these dudes are not really pretending to be or do anything other than what you'd imagine them to be doing on any given weekend. The writing? I guess they had some ideas... The soundtrack has cool moments, except the part where they overdrive the hell out of the harmonica track. Horrible production choice!Honestly though, I'd still much rather waste an hour of my life hanging out with Neil over here in ranchland than waste even a minute of my life looking at a TV screen. And no, I'm not talking about motion know what I mean.

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I so wanted to love this. Willy Nelson. Neil Young? How could it not be fabulous.The intro is more interesting than the actual story. Even if it were just an album. You would have to edit out the annoying screeches. Great idea always it's in the details.

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I kept waiting for some plot in this thing and there is none. The only thing it has is amateurish camera work trying to look artistic such as faded camera and other techniques that just don't work in the movie. The acting is amateurish. I didn't even like the guitar music. The camera was shaky and blurry at times and really more aimed at catching scenery that would be a more appropriate for National Geographic. An absolute snoozer unless you like the music and for action you have a guy peeing on a rock or two guys sitting in an outhouse talking to each other. Even the beginning fails by using dialogue between two of them to explain each of the characters. I found myself fast-forwarding to try and find something other than scenery or bad guitar music and I failed. If they wanted to make a bad music video, they may have succeeded. Don't waste your time.

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My advice : watch it between the 34th an the 53rd minute (cool live part) the rest is just random editing (no real story no cinematography, bad acting) with no particular interest... sometimes there is a good tune for a minute... globally disapointing

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