NR | 14 March 2014 (USA)
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Patrick lays comatose in a small private hospital, his only action being his involuntary spitting. When a pretty young nurse, just separated from her husband, begins work at the hospital, she senses that Patrick is communicating with her, and he seems to be using his psychic powers to manipulate events in her life.


Charming and brutal


Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Abbigail Bush

what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

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When a young nurse begins work at an isolated psychiatric ward, she quickly becomes fascinated with Patrick, a brain dead patient who is the subject of a scientist's unusual experiments. What starts as an innocent fascination quickly takes a sinister turn as Patrick begins to use his psychic powers to manipulate her every move, and send her life into a terrifying spiral out of control......Having never seen the original movie, I had nothing to compare it with, so I went in cold, and kept my expectations reasonably high, because it had Charles Dance in it, and he's a wonderful actor.And he's the best thing about this movie, which he and Griffiths save from becoming just an average horror movie. That little bit of class from those two, add a lot of gravitas to the overall narrative. The story is simple enough, comatose patient with telekinetic powers becomes obsessed with someone who has given him a little too much empathy, and instead of heeding the warnings from the matron, albeit in sinister form, she still endeavours to communicate with the titular character, and obviously he wants to return the empathy.But it's good fun, and particularly creepy in places, but alas, some of the effects can be very very good, and other of the effects can be bloomin' awful, see the doctor in car peril for some truly dreadful CGI.But these are minor quibbles for what is a nice little movie. The house is particularly creepy, and the final third is all out bonkers, but very tense never the less.If you can find it, see it, I highly recommend it.

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Patrick attempts to have more jolts per minute than any film ever, yet doesn't stick a single jump scare. Bathed in atmosphere, this very well shot throwback to 40s and 50s mad scientist horror, feels like a lost Hammer horror relic. Kathy, well played by Sharni Vinson, takes a job as a nurse in a house of horrors that's doing research on comatose patients. It's not before long that the evil comatose Patrick begins communicating with her with his psychic powers and she gets pulled further into this silly story with a mad scientist - a head nurse who is so serious she could only be employed in this place and medical research that usually involves creeping around spooky settings and angrily applying electro-shock. Half baked love interest subplot for Kathy and an ex of hers, is totally extraneous. Patrick is a fun film that pulls out every horror filmmaking trick in the book and while it's never scary for a moment, it's a solid genre effort.

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So very disappointing. You have Charles Dance and Rachel Griffith. Actors really don't get any better. Then you have that ludicrous soundtrack! Why? Why? By themselves with a poor script and limited budget, both Dance and Griffith would be riveting! Who was the imbecile that signed off on that soundtrack? Great setting, believable story line and then that moronic soundtrack. Whoever is responsible should be outlawed from the movie business. The director should be castigated. Charles Dance and Rachel Griffith, really, what was the director thinking? One simply has to focus the movie entirely on them, no directing, just improvisation by both. That's how good they are. It's impossible to find any other actor that does what Charles Dance can do,maybe, Gary Oldman, but he doesn't have Dance's presence.And, Rachel Griffith can act the socks off her contemporaries.So very, very disappointed!!!

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I don't know why so many filmmakers fail to grasp the concept that sometimes less is more.This remake of "Patrick" is a good example. The whole movie has an amateurish look, simply due to the use of a color filter to give it a 'dark', 'greyish' atmosphere. It just looked ridiculously fake. As did the rain filter, the CGI lift shaft shot, the car headlights and so on.Editing was terrible too. As a matter of fact, everything about this movie was bad, the exception being Pino Donaggio's score (which was not great either, but at least acceptable).As for the cast, Charles Dance does what he can, but the poorly written screenplay does not help things much.And don't even get me started on the final jump 'scares'...

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