Pinocchio 3000
Pinocchio 3000
| 14 May 2004 (USA)
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This is the story of a little robot known as Pinocchio 3000 whose greatest wish is to become a real boy. The year is 3000. Geppetto, with the help of his faithful assistant, Spencer the cyber penguin, and by the holographic fairy Cyberina, creates Pinocchio, a prototype superrobot equipped for emotions. But before he can be given a heart and become a real boy, Cyberina insists that Pinocchio learn the difference between right and wrong.


not as good as all the hype


An action-packed slog


It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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3.9? Sorry, but Pinocchio 3000 does not deserve note, this movie is amazing, marked my childhood, because it was one of my first videos Family won, this movie is very human, teaches a better way of law and wrong, beautiful scene of late when Pinocchio realizes the mistakes he did when his father Geppetto was unconscious, the moral of this movie followed the essence of the Disney version of Pinocchio. When I heard that Whoopi Goldberg was the voice actress Fairy, I was surprised, she is very good and her character comic while Councilor Pinocchio. This is the reason the movie has a better grade.My score is 10/10.

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Pinocchio 3000 is not a bad movie as such, in fact I found the concept quite interesting. It does look beautiful for instance, the colours are plentiful and not too flat, the character designs are not too blocky and the backgrounds are quite detailed. The music is also pleasant, and the voice acting from Whoopi Goldberg and particularly Malcolm MacDowell is excellent. The rest of the film though is rather dull, the story is too thin and very predictable sometimes, and the writing doesn't fare much better sadly either. The physical humour gets tired fairly quickly and the dialogue is rather banal and simplistic. The moral is played in a rather heavy-handed way and while the characters are well designed and voiced the writing disallows them to have any depth to them. All in all, not bad but in a sense a missed opportunity. 5/10 Bethany Cox

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The idea behind this updated version of the classic story is excellent, turning Pinocchio into a robot boy who longs to be human. Backing this up is some great computer-generated animation that stands up to competition from Pixar hits such as Toy Story. However, the story is woefully thin and the voice talents of Whoopi Goldberg and Malcolm McDowell can't add anything to a predictable plot. Most of the comedy relies on physical humour by Mayor Stromboli's two stupid robot sidekicks, which is funny for the first five minutes. The moral of the story is presented in a heavy-handed way and there are no in-jokes to keep the parents happy, so repeat viewing by your young ones will become very dull, very quickly. Strictly one for the kids.

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ross robinson

I thought Pinocchio 3000 was an excellent movie, Based on the Disney Movie Pinocchio, as this time this one is set in the future, for Pinocchio to be a robot instead of a wooden doll, i liked what was put into the movie as it was just like what the future would be like, cars, vans, etc: floating in the sky, everything that is set well into the future. In the year 3000, the 31st Century. Whoopi Goldburg is an excellent actress in my opinion, she has been for many decades. I never thought she would star in a movie that is animated and based on the same thing that's been made before. Overall i give this movie 10 out of 10 because i think it is fantastic. If i were you, go ahead and see this movie. You will be surprised with the difference.

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