PlantPure Nation
PlantPure Nation
| 04 April 2015 (USA)
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Three people try to start a pilot program to document the health benefits of a plant-based diet.


Too much of everything


i must have seen a different film!!


It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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This film does an excellent job showing both the entrenched corruption in our public institutions that promote animal agriculture, as well as the positive force of caring and perseverance to help shed light and bring healing to people. This is the story of what happens when people bring the power of truth (Gandhi's Satyagraha) to homes, churches, and legislative assemblies. In spite of enormous resistance, positive change is possible. Highly recommended for everyone.

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PlantPure Nation combines scientific information from authors of peer-reviewed publications and NY Times bestsellers, Prof T Colin Campbell and Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, with heart-warming stories from the Campbell family at the centre of the film. More emotion flows as the Campbells, Dr Esselstyn, and their allies in Kentucky seek to get legislation through the state's legislature, and then turn their attention to a research based, community driven initiative to persuade people to move towards a tasty, whole food, plant based diet. I can't wait for the sequel!

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Colin Campbell's work has been thoroughly discredited, here's a summary from almost 6 years ago: (Chris Kresser: "Rest in peace, China Study") BUT they're still pushing this nonsense.The opening sequence Demonizes Paleo and low Carb diets with nothing to support it, they're just preaching to vegan choir who is already anti animal food for whatever vague religious reasons, not for health. Going vegan is not the only alternative to SAD. I don't think strict Paleo or VLC are the best alternatives either, but unfortunately many people seem to think that the only way to fix a problem is by going to one extreme or another, the idea of balance incomprehensible for them I guess.And they show the mother who was sick and obese on SAD and blame that on any food that came from an animal when the real reason was refined seed oils, refined sugar, and refined flour with iron enrichment. It's well documented that iron over load causes every metabolic disorder that are epidemic in today's society: obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.If you don't want to eat animals based on your vague, made up religious ideas then go ahead, just don't try to force your agenda on the rest of us with FAKE SCIENCE. This is just disgraceful, you people should be ashamed of yourselves.

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As a licensed Dietitian, I approve of this film 100%! It is a must see for every American. The power of food to heal the body, reverse and prevent disease is underestimated. Please watch this and consider changes you can make to move toward a healthier you! I had the privilege of viewing this film prior to its release and then again a few more times! I want to share it with everyone I know, including my fellow colleagues in health care. It is inspiring to know there are others out there who know and preach the truth about food and nutrition. The standard American diet must go! I am encouraged by the plant based movement happening around the nation because of this film, don't miss out!

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