A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
View MoreThis is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
View MoreOne of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
View MoreSet somewhere in California, "Aloha High School" is undergoing a crisis. Not only is the administration and faculty completely incompetent but a greedy land developer named "Walter Hartlander" (William Bramley) wants to bulldoze the school for a real estate project which will increase his fortunes. Not helping matters are the cheerleaders who are essentially running wild without any shame or decency. As a result their conduct is playing right into the land developer's hands and when they discover that they may be forced to merge with a rival school by the name of "Lincoln Vocational" they use everything at their disposal to stop it. So much for the plot. Now, although this film is billed as a comedy I really didn't see much humor in it. Instead, what this film has to offer is plenty of nudity and some scenes which surprisingly flow together rather smoothly. As far as the cheerleaders were concerned, they were more slutty than sexy and other than possibly the Oriental named "Tishi" (Susie Elene) and the cute blonde by the name of "Sesame" (Patrice Rohmer) I didn't see anyone remotely worth mentioning. Certainly the addition of a pregnant cheerleader named "Heather" (Rainbeaux Smith) didn't add anything worthwhile in any way. Be that as it may, as I stated earlier there wasn't much humor in this movie and considering the low-grade eroticism presented in this "sexploitation" film I rate it as below average.
View MoreThe cheerleaders of Aloha High tries to put the kibosh on a forced merger with their school and its rival Lincoln High. Their plans include spiking cafeteria food with drugs, locker room orgies, and a secret weapon for winning the big basketball game.This teen comedy has something in common with "The Swinging Cheerleaders": it tries too hard to be funny, but can't with gross-out humor. David Hasselhoff (TV's Knight Rider and Baywatch), in his early role as a jock named Boner, can't save this one. At one point, he actually gets naked. Rainbeaux Smith ("The Swinging Cheerleaders") also stars. My evaluation: * out of ****.
View MoreWhat were you expecting, Sachiel, 400 Blows? It's not exactly high art, but this movie is hilarious. As if there was ever a shortage of ammunition to use against Hasslehoff, this movie has all you could ever need: awkward, Elaine-style dancing; no shirt wearing, ever; and a full-frontal orgy scene. Genius, I say.
View MoreI saw this film at about 3am with a cinema full of rabid "bad film junkies" during a movie marathon for a local trash film festival. It was the perfect thing at that time of the morning, but I cant imagine watching it at any other time of my waking life. Plot - awful. Acting - campy. Singing/dancing routines - appalling. I wouldn't even degrade the porn industry by labeling it as such. This is 100% unadulterated crap, beyond anything that bears that stigma... I LOVED IT!!!!Apparently (we were told before it unspooled before our unsuspecting eyes) it is on high recommendation from Quinten Tarantino...I'll never look at David Hasselhoff the same!!!! :)
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