Revenge of the Zombies
Revenge of the Zombies
NR | 17 September 1943 (USA)
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When Dr. Von Altermann's wife Lila dies mysteriously at his spooky mansion her relations suspect murder. They also suspect the doctor is turning her into a zombie, to join the army of living dead he hopes to devote to the Nazi cause. However, Lila, though dead, has developed a will of her own.


Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant


Horrible, fascist and poorly acted


Highly Overrated But Still Good

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Who cares if it is what it was supposed to be? It is what it is.This movie has grown rich in dead pan (P.I.) humor with the passage of time.Lines like: "I use drive car like this for massa.. when I's alive.".and."(My wife is dead, I assure you.) Approach her and satisfy yourself.".I mean, you just can't make this stuff up. BTW, Don't mind if ah do.This thing thinks its not a line until you put a period.Ten lines.. hmmm.88 lines by 44 women.Also, check out Easy Money w/ Dangerfield and Pesci: "His entire body is bloodshot." Oh yaeh!

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A somewhat fun Monogram horror movie. The wife of Dr. von Altermann (John Carradine) has died mysteriously. Her brother and a hired detective (hunky Robert Lowery) investigate. It seems the doctor is quite mad and experimenting on human beings and turning them into zombies.Yes, it's a cheap no budget movie but it's fun. It has a nice atmospheric opening, a few amusing lines, some funny bits by Mantan Moreland and an interesting plot. Also Carradine gives a good performance and Lowery is tall, handsome, muscular and pretty good in a nothing role. A light enjoyable horror flick. Good viewing around Halloween. I give this a 5.

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Well, I didn't think it was as bad as all that and at 60 minutes, what have you got to lose?! John Carradine is on excellent form, acting with his eyes as if it was a silent film and as for the rest, it's what you'd expect for 1943, black and white and a 'single reeler.' The duration does, in fact, suggest that it could well be a product of Hollywood's war-time propaganda machine as the heroes attempt to thwart a Nazi scientist's attempt at creating the perfect army.An army that won't stop at anything, least of all to question its leaders must be the ideal megalomaniacal construct and one which modern-day leaders probably wish they'd thought of! Sure, it's not Gone With The Wind and it does contain similar racial stereotyping (superbly played and providing some lighter moments) but it remains what must surely be the only cinematic fusion of Haitian voodoo ritual and fascism.I think Hitler would have loved the idea, if only he could have accepted a multi-race force! I feel his loss is cinema history's gain.

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A pretty ordinary cheapie from Monogram Studios that begins with some promising atmosphere and visual style, but ultimately deteriorates with a lot of talk and some lame attempts at comic relief by black funny-man Mantan Moreland, who's not so humorous this time around.A very youthful John Carradine plays it surprisingly low-key as an unconvincing Nazi scientist trying to create an army of non-scary zombies to fight for the Germans. He even turns his own wife into one of them, the fiend. These living dead sleepwalkers are more like what you'd call the "marching dead" as they step about in silly and perfect militaristic formation, like mindless robots. Those viewers unfamiliar with "pre-Romero" zombie movies are bound to be left especially stumped.** out of ****

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