Romeo Killer: The Chris Porco Story
Romeo Killer: The Chris Porco Story
| 23 March 2013 (USA)
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A man is convicted for killing his father and attempting to murder his mother.


A bit overrated, but still an amazing film

Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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.Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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This is a fascinating true life murder movie about the brutal axe murder of a man and attempted murder of his wife played by Lolita Davidovich. Their son Chris Porco is convicted of the crimes. He is shown as a bit of a ladies men with several attractive girls infatuated with him and believing in him. He has financial difficulties and conflicts with his parents and some theft and forgeries are involved. This isn't a 100% clear cut case and the movie leaves things like that. There was no physical evidence tying Chris Porco to the crime scene. Plus his mother later said she believed he was innocent. They kind of showed the detective Sullivan (played by Eric McCormack) on some kind of mission to get Chris especially the way he asked her while she was injured. Lolita Davidovich plays the maimed and suffering mother.Lifetime has taken some liberties. The actor chosen Matt Barr is a blond surfer looking type while the real Chris Porco is dark haired and Mediterranean looking. Glamorizes things a bit but it is a movie not a documentary.Worth a watch.

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This guy is something else. He has a thing going with a lot of girls, including the daughter of the detective investigating the case, who immediately believes that he killed his father and nearly did in his mother as well.Our guy is cool, calculating and anything but submissive. What he has going for him is that the mother was practically comatose when she shook her head when the detective mentioned her son as the killer. Of course, Lolita Davidovitch, who sacrificed her beauty, into that of a woman almost hacked to death, later comes to the aid of her son in court. Lolita does an excellent acting job here.Despite this doubt and others, our jury found Romeo guilty, as he claims innocence to this very day in court.

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One of the worst dramatizations of a true story I have ever seen. Poor script, bad acting, actors, screenplay, etc. It was simply terrible. They took what could have been a great story and ruined it. I only give it a 1 because that was the lowest possible score. Frankly, it should not even get a score. Also, the choice to rewrite the story and fictionalize much of the facts was in my view just dumb. The true story was much better. It was just awful. Don't bother - waste of 2 hours. Watch the documentary that aired after instead. Some of the more interesting facts; such as the husband/wife defense lawyer team were omitted. The actor chosen to play Porco's lawyer was poor suited for the role and fell flat. It was just really, really bad.

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I live in the town where this happened, and while I understand that this is not meant to be a documentary, they portrayed him and the town very poorly. He was not a "Romeo" in any sense of the word, and they added story lines that did not make sense. But they did stay very true to the crime. The actual characters including Christopher Porco were very interesting, so I am disappointed that they did not stick closer to the truth. He is truly a sociopath,and I did not get a sense of that through the movie. An additional show that was shown following the meeting showing the true facts was very good. I was also not very impressed with the acting. I have always like Eric McCormick so I was disappointed in his performance.

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