Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
G | 17 November 2000 (USA)
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A group of rambunctious toddlers travel a trip to Paris. As they journey from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame, they learn new lessons about trust, loyalty and love.


Highly Overrated But Still Good


Better Late Then Never


Absolutely amazing


It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.

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Steve Pulaski

After a successful, entertaining Rugrats film I was expecting this one to be an interesting sequel. Think about it, most TV shows that are adapted to films are basically and more often than not just longer episodes. Some films like The Simpsons Movie, when thought about, could just be half and hour episodes. With the first Rugrats film it would have been next to impossible to chop it down to a half hour episode. With this one though, the babies (or rugrats) I was excited because I thought now their really changing it up. Way different, unexpected setting, a fine plot, this should be memorable and way more entertaining than the first. I was off.The plot is recycled and just modified to fit the characters. Stu Pickles gets a late night call from Paris to go to EuroReptarland, a theme park, to fix the broken Reptar mechanical robot. He brings Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, Angelica, the baby Dil, and all of their parents to have fun in Paris while Stu works. Soon and ironically, Coco LaBouche is looking to run EuroReptarland and must find someone with a "heart of a child". When Angellica overhears her talking about this, she comes up and tells her about Chuckie's lonely father, Chaz in exchange for her own princess float at EuroReptarland. So Coco is determined to win over Chaz.Not a bad plot, but it's not really unique in anyway. Is that the best they could do? Its better than if they recycled the babies getting lost like they did in the first. But still, that plot might have worked in a big city like Paris. I must also note Grandpa Pickles doesn't make an appearance at all in this movie, unless I missed him. I didn't recall him appearing once in this entire movie. I was disappointed because he was one of my favorite characters.In sequel terms, it's fine, but the first like 80% of the time, is better. The idea of the babies in Paris could've spawned numbers of ideas. The babies visiting the Eiffiel Tower, running ramped through the town, anything. But the idea they went with just didn't grab me in really at all. There were parts that the film felt original, fresh, and funny. But the comparison it has on the original film is small. Could Rugrats Go Wild be any better than this? Don't count on it.Starring: Elizabeth Daily, Tara Strong, Cheryl Chase, Christine Cavanaugh, Dionne Quan, and Kath Soucie. Directed by: Stig Bergqvist and Paul Demeyer.

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i thought this was a slightly better movie than the first starts out the same,though.with about half an hour left,the movie becomes oddly involving and actually held me interest.once again,this movie is filled with references only adults would understand.this movie has a cheeky edge to it that the firs tone didn't's thankfully,not as loud as the last one,and there are less annoying musical type songs.there is a bit of toilet humour this time around.again though,the kids will probably enjoy it and the adults will be mostly's unfortunate,since there are so many clearly geared toward adults.for me,This second Rugrats movie is a 5/10

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ross robinson

Rugrats in Paris: the Movie - Rugrats II (The Rugrats movie part Deux) I liked this movie as well as the first rugrats movie, the rugrats go to paris and they get lost, Chuckle's dad tries to find him a new mother, he meets a wrong kind of mom and then meets the right one, a French woman who has a French Daughter, Chuckles new sister is a French girl

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Michael O'Keefe

Very good animated comedy. And true to the TV series, out of the mouths of babes comes potty talk and there is always the heavy helping of potty humor. The Pickle clan along with Chuckie Finster and his widowed father find themselves at a Japanese theme-park in Paris where the greedy proprietor Coco LaBouche(Susan Sarandon) tries to force Mr. Finster into marriage. Chuckie interrupts the wedding at the appropriate time by uttering his first word(understood by adults)...NO! But that doesn't mean romance is dead. All is well that ends well. The Rugrats' appeal seems to still be snowballing. This flick has what it takes to please everyone in between the younger diaper set to the older diaper set! Forget about your troubles for just a little while and find the humor in the messes these toddlers and crawlers get into.Christine Cavanaugh is the voice of Chuckie. Cheryl Chase gives voice to the group's brat Angelica. Sarandon is not exactly in her element with the French accent. Some other voices you may or may not recognize are that of: John Lithgow, Melanie Chartoff, Casey Kasem and Debbie Reynolds.

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