Satan's Little Helper
Satan's Little Helper
R | 04 October 2005 (USA)
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A naïve young boy unknowingly becomes the pawn of a serial killer.


This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Jasmine Casimir

I don't know if anything below will count as a spoiler, but just to be safe, SPOILER ALERT???. I didn't expect much from this film but I've been curious about it for a while. I felt that the actions, even of the little boys, were so preposterously stupid in every way that I was distracted by how frustrated I was (there is NO WAY that kid, that age, would not be able to tell that people directly in front of him were begin killed in real life). Maybe I'm biased but I also felt that the overall mood of the movie was cheapened by the repetitive references to sin/religion, regardless of the title. It definitely reeked of skewed, awkward political commentary. I was also rubbed in the wrong direction, further, by the weird incestuous stuff that kept popping up as well as the scene with the sister fraternizing with the murderer right in front of the boy. No way in hell would an older sibling do that in front of their kid brother if we are assuming we're talking about a sane, healthy relationship. Furthermore, the repetitive theme of the main character's skewed perception of reality was way, way too twacked out, even for a kid that young in a way that was completely unbelievable unless they had written him to have some type of mental issue. I absolutely love cheese, stupidity, preposterousness, but this one fell so short I couldn't enjoy it at all and felt mad about wasting my time when it was over.

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Okay, it's a FAIR idea that maybe had a little promise IF, and I do mean IF, it was done well. I don't know what the hell happened to Jeff Lieberman, but he certainly should know WAY better than this.Very simple... If you just edit out all the stupid 'Dead Air', of which there is a bloody TON of it; say, bring the film down from a ridiculous 100 minutes (for THIS story, are you frigg'n kidding me?!) and chop out about at LEAST 20 minutes of nonsense, most of which where for absolutely NO reason what so ever, people are just standing around and staring and saying nothing for long, LONG periods of time. IF you were to do that, then MAYBE you would have a fun little entertaining film with some nice chilling touches a la a very, VERY low rent 'HALLOWEEN' I truly just cannot get my mind around the fact that Lieberman after all the experience that he has had, would be so incredibly dense as to completely RUIN the film by allowing all this useless footage that absolutely KILLS any momentum or sense of Horror at all.A very, Very, VERY stupid and pointless waste of what at least MIGHT have come close to the 5 1/2 stars that it is rated here.NO excuse...

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Words cannot describe how utterly dreadful this film is, but I'll give it a quick go.I'm not sure what the intention was at the outset of making this atrocity, whether it was intended to be funny or not, or if it is just so painfully bad that it was actually supposed to be serious, but whatever the intention - it failed miserably.The plot revolves around a young boy - who fancies his sister - going around with a serial killer, who he believes to be Satan, while the killer murders people. The boy is either stupid beyond belief, or mentally ill, as he for some reason believes that this is all fun and part of a game. (He's old enough to understand that it isn't, but seems incapable of achieving even this basic level of understanding).The story is terrible, the characters are terrible, the whole thing is just mind-blowingly crap that it will leave you wanting to gauge your eyes out so that you don't have to watch any more.If ever there was a contender for Worst Film Ever Made, this would be right up there.

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Interestingly enough, this movie was not awful. When i first rented it, i thought i was in for a real crap fest, but actually, we had a pretty good time watching this movie. There were some things that made it lose some points, but in the overall scheme of the movie, we forgave some.long and short of the story, A kid really likes a video game (which is the worst flash game i've ever seen by the way) and confuses reality with fantasy. He has a weird crush on his sister so when she brings a boyfriend home from being a theater major (which i resent these two calling themselves theater majors) and the boy is annoyed. he wishes Satan could come around and kill this boy so his sister and he could be together. aww incest and murder. so cute. anywho, he happens to meet a random psychotic killer dressed in a mask. he's strewing dead bodies on the lawn and the kid thinks it's decoration. sure. why not. he asks the killer if he can be his assistant and the killer says sure. well, he's silent so he doesn't really SAY anything, but he nods. so he brings the killer home and hides him in the basement. the theater major boyfriend wants to go out and get a costume with the kid so they head out. after making the lamest costume purchase in history (all he does is buy a mask. and he calls himself a theater major) they leave. but the killer pulls the boyfriend into an alley and beats the ever loving crap outta him. i have to admit, i laughed. and they run back to the house where the sister is dressed up as a wench and the mom's going to be chiquita banana. boy brings the killer back to the house, but he's wearing a mask so the girl thinks its her boyfriend despite the fact that he has a different build and acts nothing like him (he's not that good of an actor honey) and then the killer proceeds to leave the house causing all sorts of mayhem and murder causing you to laugh all the way. probably the funniest scene was the scene when the kid's riding the shopping cart and telling him to run people over for points. that actually made me laugh out loud. about an hour into the movie, the kid's dad comes home (which i didn't even know existed considering he was never mentioned) is in the movie for, i kid you not (i checked) a minute and a half, and gets killed by the killer. and it's at THIS point the kid realizes the killer is real. wow. good job genius. after not helping their father at all while he's being killed, they cry in a corner and then run away. the killer ties up the mom and takes her to a party. this is by far the WEIRDEST part of the movie. she is totally covered in saran wrap unable to move or talk and everybody at the costume party laughs like it's part of the costume. um yeah.... i've never seen a costume like that before. anyway, the killer spikes the punch with antifreeze and everybody at the party dies. the kids manage to rescue the mom, but the killer gets away. He dresses up as Jesus (shrugs) and runs away.oh. i forgot to mention the most disappointing part. at one point he's arrested by the police, and about 10 minutes later, you hear that the entire police station is a slaughterhouse but they never show you how he gets passed like 7 armed guards and kills them all. i was like "DUDE! i would have LOVED to seen that scene! why didn't they have THAT? that would have been awesome!" anyway, after he's Jesus, he switches his outfit with the unconscious boyfriend and the mother and daughter unknowingly kill him. after that we see a policeman enter the house and the family's relieved, but at the end we see the killer is the policeman. roll credits.There are two things about this movie that i didn't particularly care for. the first thing was he crushes a cat's head at one point to write a message. i didn't like that. even though it's obviously fake i hate animal violence. so if you don't like this stuff, look away when he's on the porch.The second was i didn't like it when he shot his hand and dressed up like Jesus. That was pretty messed up.overall though, this movie was actually entertaining. as entertaining as Shredder to say the least. it won't win any awards, it is drawn out in some places, but you know what? it's not terrible. if you're in a bind thinking of what to rent and you like weird horror movies, give this a shot. you may or may not be disappointed. This movie really is just a matter of taste.Satan's little helper gets 5 grocery baggers stabbed with a screwdriver out of 10.

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