Satan's Whip
Satan's Whip
| 08 March 2006 (USA)
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A seminarian embarks on a bizarre and horrifying quest that will end in a blood-bath of insanity, cannibalism, and witchcraft.


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Fresh and Exciting


best movie i've ever seen.


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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An inexperienced priest is sent to find Father Williams. He finds him protecting sisters, one of whom is pregnant. They say that they have an evil brother, who is stalking them and that he has an evil, satanic plan for the unborn child. As the plot unfolds all is not what it seems.I watched this as part of the Catacomb of creepshows box set. This film was obviously shot on a very low budget. However I would recommend this as it kept my interest through out. For an obvious amateur production I found the overall look and composition of the shots more than expectable. Admittedly, there is very little action and the whole thing is quite wordy. but I found the story engaged me and there are a few twists, that I did not expect. I did find the character of Father Williams odd and really not very priest like at all, swearing and cussing, rather like a character from an old spaghetti western !! It's good to have a film that relies on it's story rather than gore to sustain it's running time.

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A little slow moving perhaps but certainly better written than most no budget movies. Jason Maran did a more than competent job of directing, especially on this kind of budget. Music was very good but then we expect that from J.S. Bach. I was impressed that they chose to go with the classics rather than another raunchy homemade death metal wannabe soundtrack. Acting was hit or miss, though Claude was pretty good and Father William was a hoot. Maria and Marisa were a little deadpan but perhaps that was intentional. Christopher was over the top, but again, perhaps that was intentional as well. It was well photographed for the most part though I wasn't especially impressed with the washed out look of the exterior daylight scenes. The sound had a couple of areas where it sounded like it was from an on camera mic but for the most part it was not bad. Editing was decent. As I mentioned, it was a little slow paced, but kudos for length. Most micro budget filmmakers seem to think that more is better and refuse to cut anything out of their masterpiece but this came in at under 100 minutes. Yes, a few more minutes could have disappeared but overall not a bad effort at all.

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Tara (gaius-octavius)

This is a little slow-moving for a horror movie, but the quality is better than you might expect for a director's only effort on IMDb. The camera work and lighting were both surprisingly good, and the acting – although variable – is better than is often found in Indie genre flicks.As the lead, Robert Field is rather stiff, which is especially unfortunate given that his character, Claude, is the film's narrator as well as the centre of its action. However, it was the entry of Christopher (Brandon deSpain) that I considered the turning point of this film – and not in a good way. A twist is introduced in a clumsy fashion, and slow-moving becomes drawn out and overly wordy.On the up side, Pete Barker is consistently entertaining as Father William. He's the easy stand-out in what is a fairly ordinary offering. While the first half hour caught my interest, I ended up feeling quite disappointed in the way things played out.

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Just saw this movie yesterday night and I almost cried. No, it wasn't because it got me utterly petrified, no. It was absolutely HORRENDOUS! Sometimes, you see movies that make you wonder what will become of the human race in the near future - this movie is one of those. It's as though the writer, actors, director, et al, just came together and copied and pasted scenes of their favorite horror flicks, zipped it all together and said "hey, here's Satan's whip!!!" After seeing this movie, I could not help but be tormented by the sight of people whom call themselves "actors"; waltzing around like they're some kind of talented artistic interpreters... do not be fooled they suck! Don't bother wasting your time or money!!!

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