Savage Instinct
Savage Instinct
R | 01 January 1989 (USA)
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A young widow on a trip to the backwoods stumbles upon the operation of a gang of drug smugglers. They attempt to kill her in order to keep their operation a secret, but she turns out to be more resourceful than they thought, and starts to turn the tables on them.


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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Mehdi Hoffman

There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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Frances Chung

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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Taha Avalos

The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

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Comeuppance Reviews

Susan Morris (Sweaney) is a mild-mannered woman whose husband was recently killed in a car accident. Seeking to fulfill their dream of having a nice house out in the country, she attempts to move to rural Loma County, California. But while driving out to the property, Susan and real estate agent Cecil (Ringuette) run afoul of a sinister gang of drug dealers. Led by the hulking brute Mongo (Brian Oldfield in what is criminally his only screen role to date), the gang of baddies seeks to make one last big score before disbanding their criminal enterprise. But since Susan has stumbled upon it, they must kill her. So they chase her all over the woods, but Susan decides she's had enough of her Mongo-based ordeal and decides to fight back. It's now time for revenge, Susan Morris style! What follows you must see! Ridiculous. Silly. Funny. Enjoyable. There are some words for you. But all these words - and so many more I'm leaving out - perfectly describe the wonderful Savage Instinct. You will have a smile on your face for most of this movie's running time (provided you have an inkling of a sense of humor - some people out there don't, it seems). Everything from the clothing choices of the goons, to the acting, to the effects, to the plot points and pretty much everything is totally winning, and the icing on the cake are some priceless bits of dialogue, none of which we'll spoil for you here. This movie is just a great take on the revenge movie, showing it can be done in a less-than-serious fashion. Take Mongo and his illegal barn of drugs. He looks like a cross between Richard Moll and Jesse Ventura. And when he really gets mad, he has some special headgear that will inspire some major fear.Troma released this movie as They Call Me Macho Woman, and then AIP re-released it as Savage Instinct. Judging by the box art and typeface font, they certainly weren't trying to capitalize on Basic Instinct. No sirree. But I'll take this movie any day of the week. Debra Sweaney deserves the fame Sharon Stone has. Life's not fair I tell ya. (It should be noted that the woman on the box is not Sweaney, but a cover model that has nothing whatsoever to do with the movie). But Savage Instinct is just further proof that writer/producer/director Patrick Donahue is an underrated genius. His first movie, Kill Squad (1982) is a Comeuppance Reviews favorite and is totally great. Savage Instinct is his second movie - although there was a nine year gap in between them. These two titles as your first two movies is impressive, but it seems his output after that is hard to get ahold of. We just want to tell the world we're fans of his work, at least his first two films. His son Sean has been involved in his father's work from the beginning, as well as many other productions (including Omega Cop, 1990) - but here, as Terk, the guy with the open-necked ballerina-like shirt and the classic Rachel Bolan-style earring-connected-to-nose-ring-by-a-chain, he really shines.Savage Instinct represents the goofier end of the action/revenge movie. We recommend it.For more action insanity, drop by:

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It's hard for me to give this movie a bad review. Yes, almost every aspect of the movie was done poorly. The story is dumb, the cinematography is crappy, the chases don't make any sense, and the acting is just terrible.But despite all of this, the movie is just incredibly entertaining. Every time you see a boom mic, or a stunt double that is clearly a forty year old man and not the female lead, your soul smiles a little bit inside.I would say that this is a better bad movie than the Rocky Horror Picture Show. While RHPS kinda drags in the third act, this movie remains entertaining throughout.Don't go in expecting a masterpiece or even competence and you're in for a good time.

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I rate my movies based on the enjoyability factor; I don't care if it's low budget, poorly produced, poorly acted, etc. As long as it provides entertainment, I'm happy. That said, this movie is so shockingly pointless and stupid, that it's quickly become one of my favorite movies. It's SOOOO funny! This woman seriously runs across a crowd of drug dealers, stepping on their shoulders and heads; she battles an Asian (who knows Karate, of course) and when she stabs him with her foot-knife (doesn't make sense, you just have to see it), he actually falls and says, "you have disgraced me" or something like that. Hilarious, hilarious, hilarious!

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I saw this on cable. Someone had to lose their job for greenlighting this one for air. Just because a movie is made does not mean it has to be shown! Savage Instinct should be shown in ALL film classes. It is the perfect template for how to not make a movie. The editing alone is so jumbled you'll think it was assembled by a team of trained (poorly) monkeys, traveling across unpaved canyon road in the back of a jeep, blindfolded and drunk. The audio is often not legible. Acting? I can't call anything I saw here acting. Reciting? Hmmm. Can't call it that either. Failing? That works. All that being said...IT IS HILARIOUS! I cannot stress enough that there is not one redeemable factor in this "film" other than the hilarity derived from it's own incredible ineptness. Fun, in a strictly masochistic sort of way. Watch it...if you dare.

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