Second in Command
Second in Command
R | 02 May 2006 (USA)
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Armed insurgents attempt a coup d'etat in a troubled Eastern European country, and the president flees to the U.S. embassy for protection. When the U.S. ambassador is murdered by the ruthless and gun-happy rebels, it comes down to the second-in-command of the embassy, Sam Keenan, played by Belgian kickboxer Jean-Claude Van Damme, to use his amazing martial arts technique to defend the besieged.


Wow! Such a good movie.


One of the best films i have seen

Joanna Mccarty

Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Jean Claude plays an official who's just been appointed as Second In Command to the U.S.Ambassador at an American Embassy in a small, turbulent Eastern European nation. When local insurgents attempt a coup d'etat, the nation's President takes refuge inside the embassy. If you don't expect anything really big from it 'Second in Command' will for sure make you have a very good time and Van Damme is very good in his role but any type of role like this really. Good action, alright action and a decent plot make for a very decent flick too. (7/10)

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When I first saw the back cover to this, the first thing I could think of was "uh oh....another military themed movie." But appearances can be deceiving and it turned out to be a decent flick.The plot to this one is a new president was elected in Moldavia (Vigo the Carpathian must be proud) and the citizens are none too happy. A gaggle of rebel militants threaten to overthrow and kill the new prez so the US Embassy calls upon Van Damme to save the day. What looks like a standard evac turns into a complete Alamo where the US Marines barely make it out alive with the president.I thought the cast did a hell of a job with the roles they were given, Raz Adoti was hilarious which would be akin to his role in Doom. Van Damme was his usual self which you can consider good or bad while the rest of the unknowns did a tremendous job. The only negative I can think comes near the end where the Moldavian army sides with the rebels and lays waste to the Embassy building, are we to believe a few American cobra choppers repel a panzer column? The highlight of the movie is Raz Adoti's one liners, picking up where he left off in Doom. The rest of the movie was a modern day Alamo, I say its worth picking up only if you now what you're getting into 6 out of 10

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This is probably one of Mr. Van Damme's worst movies in my opinion. I wouldn't even grade it a good B movie! As a 20 year veteran of the U.S. Navy, I was shocked at the poor attempt to recreate US Military uniforms. The officer uniform he is wearing when he enters the hotel at the beginning has Enlisted service stripes (that go approx 1/4 the circumference of the sleeve) instead of officer stripes indicating rank which totally encircle the sleeve. The jacket itself has such large lapels that the ribbons and his Seal insignia are not even visible. Actual uniforms may hide the first ribbon, but the Seal insignia is quite large and very visible when worn on this uniform.In addition, when he arrives at his new command after the attack, he is greeted by a Marine in one of the worst uniforms I have ever seen on a Marine! If a Marine were to wear his uniform in that manner, he would not be a Marine for long! It is very apparent that the US Military did not get consulted for this movie! Errors glare like this throughout the movie. I am a 20+ year retired veteran of the USN and quite able to accurately known what uniforms should look like!

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This is another American bullshit....Same old plot...Eastern European country...Communists ....a smart ass cowboy....And you call Jean Claude an actor?This is another "US Army Is The Best" movie...In fact the movie has no action, nothing seems to have a target, everything according to the eternal "we are Americans, we will win anyway"No matter that I have 1.50m, i have no idea what fighting means, but I am American...and in eastern Europe...I am the King.... The replies are a weird combination of romanian and Serbian No attention to these details?An advice, next time....make A MOVIE

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