She's Out of Control
She's Out of Control
PG | 14 April 1989 (USA)
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A Los Angeles radio-station manager's girlfriend shows his teenage daughter how to be sexy.


Excellent adaptation.


A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action


It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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James Terrell

In March 1989, I was on spring break, staying at my dad's house, when I saw a TV commercial for "She's Out of Control." Although I was a guy, I was fascinated by the idea of a geek who miraculously changes and ends up conquering all. It seemed to me like an underdog story, and I've always liked that kind of story. But upon rushing to the theater on opening night--April 14, 1989--I was surprised to discover that the movie was really about the dad and his obsession over protecting his daughter. Still, I found it enjoyable enough, even with the PG rating.Exactly 25 years later, I find myself typing a review after having watched "She's Out of Control" for the second time--on DVD, and on my Xbox One. What compelled me to revisit a movie so notoriously reviled by Siskel and Ebert? I suppose I just wanted to watch again it 25 years to the day (for the perfect timing), and see it from the perspective of a 42-year-old, as opposed to my 17-year-old self in 1989.As many others have noted, this movie is really a movie-length sitcom with some mild profanity, and some other PG-rated material. It's mostly harmless, at least for people 10 and older. It doesn't break any new ground or develop its themes in any insightful way, but I found it reasonably entertaining and likable. It's what you call a "family movie," meaning that it tries to appeal to everybody--children, teens, and adults.Those of you looking for late 80s nostalgia will be bombarded with music video-inspired editing and closeups, Paula Abdul-choreographed dancing, and Aqua Net-assisted hair. The girls' bedroom, with its George Michael poster, oversized Swatch clock, and Apple IIc, particularly encapsulates the final years of the Pastel Decade. Also, look for appearances by Todd Bridges and Dustin Diamond.So, what do I think of it today? Am I any smarter than I was in 1989, two months before my high school graduation? Nah, I'm still stupid--and had a good time being stupid for the second time.Exactly 25 years from now--April 14, 2039--I may find myself watching "She's Out of Control" for the THIRD time--in 4K. If IMDb still exists, I'll be sure to let all of you know about it on the review page.Happy 25th birthday, "She's Out of Control."

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This comment is to the person above who bashed the movie as not being funny and a who's the boss remake... I don't think so.. When I watch this movie I do not think about who's the boss at all. This movie is so good, I've seen it a million times and will continue to watch it over and over. I think the movie was done really well, great music, great characters, a good storyline, and i think every girl dreams of looking like Ami Dolenz in the movie. I think this movie could be one of the 80's classics, it's something that you cant get tired of watching. The only thing is where did Ami Dolenz go? She had a small part in Can't Buy Me Love, and that's the last I've seen of her.

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Awesome 80s fun! This film was a delightful piece of work, about a dad worried about his daughter played by Tony Danza and the daughter played by Ami Dolenz and Catherine Hicks (7th Heaven). This is a good family film for everybody.

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I didn't mind this film. It's one of those films that are good to watch really late at night, when you really just want to wind down. It is pretty silly, but it has some funny moments. Ami Dolenz can't act very well, but in the role she is playing it really doesn't matter. Dana Ashbrook is very amusing as the leather clad boyfriend from hell. But Matthew Perry is not particularly convincing as the all too perfect Yale college boy. Tony Danza seems to be treating the whole exercise like an extended version of a Who's the Boss? episode, which is probably why he was given the part. Although it's not very original, and similar theme films have done it much better, it's still not a bad effort. At least it was not boring.

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