Awesome Movie
A Brilliant Conflict
The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
View MoreThere's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
View MoreWe all knew we were being fed a load of bull when the decision was made to pad the pockets of war profiteers in Iraq. Even George's brother has said what we all already knew.
View MoreWhy all the critical hate on this film? Maybe critics just don't like it when they look in the mirror and it displays a 'subject matter' full of post 9/11 public manipulation, military intelligence lies, complicit dishonest journalism, deceitful Politicians, the ruthless ambitions by a corrupt cabal so as to force political agendas to capitalise on oil monopolisation and to justify a 'democratic crusade' into the middle east... !!?I found the Direction of the film to be solid - it is a slow burner - but it is a great depiction of the frustrations of the Knight Ridder newsagency, not being able to get a word in, about the dishonest activity of the 'W' administration (cabal) at the wheel of a government out for blood!The cast were terrific, the dialogue and script were brilliant - 'Shock and Awe' is not an action film - OK - it is more like a docu-drama - it had me on the edge of my seat, throwing pillows at the screen and screaming in frustration! If your speed fuelled mind cannot tolerate a slow docu-drama, politic filled film, with facts flying endlessly at your eyeballs and filling your mind with impulses for RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE ... then go watch something else like Jumanji ....Top film - Top marks! The system is Corrupt ....
View MoreAnytime a Movie is used for a political agenda, it removes itself from the realm of True Art, and becomes a Lifeless piece of Boring Propaganda...Sad to see how far some in Hollywood have fallen...
View MoreHalf truths sold as fact. This is nothing more than propaganda.
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