| 15 December 2007 (USA)

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A young woman discovers a Christmas-themed dreamworld inside a magical snowglobe. Angela loves Christmas more than anything. However, her family does not share her love for the holiday at all. When she is about to breakdown because of her family, she receives a snowglobe in the mail. When she opens up the snowglobe, she is transported into the world inside, where Christmas is the heart and soul for everyone who lives there. She discovers she can return to her world by going down a small path in the small forest at the edge of the village, and can return whenever she winds up the snowglobe. After a long set of visits to the globe, she accidentally gets trapped inside.


I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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How sad is this?


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Hey ya'll this be a Christmas movie so just try and enjoy it!!! I did!! Any movie with Christina Milian in it is sure to be watchable just for her being in it. This film is a fantasy about a magic snow globe (hence the title) that is delivered to a girl in search of the perfect Christmas. She is transported to a quaint New England style olde thyme village. Here she gets her dream but she learns that getting what you wish for may not be all that good. She meets white bread America at the village, thinks one guy is perfect, goes home through the globe, he follows and is wowed by the big city, his real girlfriend comes looking for him, they learn about the globe and the guy wants to return but the girl doesn't, the globe gets dropped and broken and Christina gets returned to the village alone. This is when she learns that perfect is not what it is cracked up to be at times. She gets another globe and returns to her world, the two villagers return, and she hooks up with the latest guy her parents have rented a studio too. I enjoy these type of movies at this time of the year.

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Very upset that this scale doesn't exceed 10, because I would give it a 15 at worst. The fact that it was a snow globe within a snow globe...mind blowing! As a christmassy version of Inception, it challenges the capacity of both the mind and the heart. Through laughter and tears, smiles and frowns, and every other sensation along the rainbow spectrum of emotions, this movie will have you consistently on the edge of your seat. A scintillating performance by Christina Millian sparked a strongly worded letter to Barack Obama himself in regards to the obvious snub she suffered during the Emmys. In my humble opinion, she deserves a star on Hollywood Blvd for each scene she appeared in during this movie. Between the witty banter, topical jokes, and physical humor, this movie will create more seconds of laughter than flakes of artificial snow.

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This one was a surprise. I've been a fan of ABCFam's 25 Days of Christmas since I was a kid, so I'm always looking forward to their premieres. This one was quite a surprise. Probably one of their better ones in years. I don't think Christina Milian is much of an actress, but she carried this movie pretty well. Her performance in this made me give her 2010 movie Christmas Cupid a watch (that one was not good at all). Anways, the story is fantasy, so be prepared to have to suspend realistic thoughts. The guy Douglas made me laugh when he made it to the real world. It's worth a watch.

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This movie made me fall in love with Christina Milian. It's a light, innocent and romantic Christmas movie, without being tastelessly sugar-sweet. The story situates itself sort of in two places; the too ideal dream-place of the snowglobe and the everyday challenging real world. Angela (Christina) gets tempted to lay the emphasize of her interest at the snowglobe, and the too naive and jolly person she meets there. Thus becoming blind for the real boy that lives down the hall and that gets invited by her family to meet her. After the two worlds start to mingle, she starts to realize the charm of the real world and starts to fall also for the real boy. The whole is however presented in a very light and easy to comprehend way. Yes, the family-interaction is not always worked out in the most believable way. But Christina's beauty and the sweetness of her lovely character in this movie compensates more than enough. For one lonely Christmas-evening she became my ideal snowglobe-girl.

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