Space Adventure Cobra: The Movie
Space Adventure Cobra: The Movie
| 03 July 1982 (USA)
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Cobra, a notorious space pirate, is enlisted by bounty hunter Jane to rescue her sister from the strange being known as Crystal Bowie, but then finds himself drawn into a complex struggle over the fate of a mysterious wandering planet.

Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Perry Kate

Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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I've been waiting 15 years for Space Adventure Cobra and countless emails to Urban Vision pleading with them to release this on DVD. For whatever reasons, they didn't and their license expired. Perhaps the rights got tied up and they were unable to do so. The original VHS release in the US was around 1996 and goes for silly money and I was never going to pay second hand sellers hundreds of dollars even though this valuable movie warrants it.Fans will be glad to know that Space Adventure Cobra includes the fan favorite Streamline Dub in Stereo, as well as the choice between a Japanese 5.1 or 2.0, depending on your audio equipment and preferences.The video quality is literally stunning and probably the best anime remastering I've ever seen on DVD. Apparently Discotek got Blu-ray masters from the Japanese domestic release and used these rather than doing a port of the Japanese DVD release. Also the video is progressive scan like all Discotek releases and is in Anamorphic Widescreen.Considering this came out in 1982, it transcends most contemporary anime in detail and color, literally jumping off the screen. This motion picture can be considered a standalone entry since it's nothing like the TV series. The Cobra motion picture is a serious, space opera sci fi, there's almost no comedy in this at all. Instead there are genuine moments of sadness and emotion as you become attached to characters with a less than happy fate. The whole movie is wrapped up in mystery and you'll be completely mystified and engaged all throughout this 99 minute story Considering the VHS sellers are still trying to make a bundle of this property, I think the DVD is a steal. Get this before it goes out of print. This is a must see for newcomers and experienced fans. Every person deserves to see this movie at least once in their life.Grade - A+

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I've grown up with anime and I still watch it to this day. I heard of the manga and show of Space Adventure Cobra but I did not know there was a movie till recently. This movie is only for those who like anime, this in no way will convince people that are not into this stuff to start watching it.The feel of this movie is a ton like others like Golgo 13: The Professional, which is a good thing for a action fan. The atmosphere in this movie is extremely 80's and the plot can be a bit weird at times, but this does not create much of a problem because it adds to the bizarreness of the galaxy the movie takes place in. This film does contain brief nudity, so if your weird-ed out by that sort of stuff then you have been warned.All in All, this movie is a good action flick in its own universe and is worth a watch.

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Emmanuel Eytan

The most remarkable thing about the movie version of Cobra (as opposed to the series or the comic) is the credit of the Key Animator: Hayao Miyazaki himself was an animator for this film. One of the most talented directors of out time (probably in all categories, not just animation) was on the staff of that movie. Also, it tells basically the same story as the first season of the TV series; but the TV series was a melodramatic comedy, whereas the film has a claim to seriousness.One thing the Japanese do better than most others, I think, is going over the top. In this film, there are always planets floating in the background. (Yes, actual planets.) "Love is tangible," as one of the characters say. The galaxy is only one in several in the Universe, so it is disposable. (Yes, the galaxy is disposable.) I don't think it's fair to say that this movie goes too far. It's made to test our suspension of belief. Some stories ask that from us.The movie is more like a pretentious "artsy" film and not much of an action-adventure movie. It can afford to be pretentious. The scenery is beautiful during most of the film; the music is very anti-climatic, Jazzy and romantic; the story is very abstract. By this, I mean that the story is not about getting a treasure, saving the world or saving the girl. All this things do happen, but that's not the main point.It's more like artsy sci-fi meets Last Year in Marienbad. The strange part is that the movie is based on a series that's much more like Spaceballs than like Star Wars. I'm not sure how "good" it is, but it doesn't make much sense to judge it as an action flick.What I liked most about it is that it does not show a tiny universe. Most sci-fi stories only take place on one or on a few planets, and each only seems to have one environment and one city. Not much more is shown in Cobra, but there are constant references as to how there is an entire known and inhabited universe out there. Unlike the bluntness of the Star Wars prequels, for example, the way it is just taken for granted in Cobra makes it more believable and makes my mind wander.

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I felt compelled to write a review for Space Cobra as it has received a good score of 7.3 stars but only a few of the reviews at the time of me writing this were particularly positive. A strange situation and hopefully my positive review will point people towards this old and mostly forgotten Anime movie. Space cobra is the funky tale of a smuggler and rogue who becomes involved with the three sisters of an ancient and dead planet and an evil force who wants to harness the planets powers. This is an old movie and the animation shows, but what it lacks in modern sophistication it makes up with an abundance of charm. Space Cobra is very much geared to a western audience and very easy to watch. There are few if any references to specific Japanese culture and great for Anime novices to watch and enjoy. Space Cobra himself is witty and likable. I cannot say how much of this is due to the English dub or the intentions of the maker, but this is one of the few Japanese comedy characters that I find truly funny. The style is very sixties Barbarellish with a fantastic soundtrack by Yello. The style is colourful and imaginative and there is constant action to move the story along. The strangest aspect of this movie is how it begins as a comedy and ends on a very downbeat dramatic note. I cannot think of another Anime or general movie that has been able to do this so seamlessly and convincingly. You barely realise that it is happening, but it is done so subtly and seems perfectly natural. You also really feel the characters went on a journey and they're lives were changed by the whole experience. Check out if you can.

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