It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
View MoreWhen a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
View MoreThere's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
View MoreThe film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
View MoreI recorded this movie and kept it for viewing on one of those days when my IQ would be mensurable only in negative numbers as I occasionally watch SyFy Channel movies or anything from The Asylum; junk food for the lazy mind, but this was from neither of the sources mentioned and was an excellent motion picture. The cast was fine, the writing and its unusual premise were top notch. The characters were three dimensional and uniformly interesting. I cared for these people and for their believable near future situation. Perhaps I am having a stupid day but the plot contained surprises that followed from preceding scenes. The violence was necessary to the plot and only the language is a bit much but that seems to be normal these day. If, as I suspect, this was a pilot film for an unrealized series it is a minor tragedy that it was not picked up. On its own it can stand proudly and is a credit to all involved.
View MoreOverall, entertaining. Not Academy award caliber, but good actors just same. My only real problem with the film is that it just ends. Just as the movie is winding up, it ends. The protagonist (Vic) seems that he is about to do something about all the bad in town (don't want to spoil too much) and then the movie ends. Poof, credits role. What?If this was a pilot (as some of the other reviewers have stated), they should have said so somewhere. This is not a special forces kind of movie, it is more of the not-so-nice-guy turns into the protector of the town kind of movie.Comically, the pictures on the movie cover are apparently scenes from some other movie, nothing shown actually happens in the movie. I am really confused why they show a post-apocalyptic "metropolis" when this is set in the wastes of Canada.
View MoreThis film should server as an example of how not to make a film. The acting was below average. The plot and storyline and point to it all, was nonexistent. The music score lacked emotion and depth. Perhaps, a TV series could go into all the various directions they tried to explore in this film, in a coherent way. However, this film failed to do so.It would have helped if the film makers picked a few key points and created a full story from there, but that's asking too much apparently. Please listen film makers, of this movie and others. We, the audience, don't require you to make a movie that has a million complex unexplored angles. All we ask for is that you make it entertaining. After all this is supposed to be entertainment. Films should not be made to enrage the viewers for being kind enough to watch your film. The reason we do not flock to the theaters as we once did, is because film makers don't make movies worth paying to see anymore.I gave it a 1 out of 10, not because it was the lowest possible score, but because the creators of this movie went through pain-staking work to intentionally make a film that failed on every imaginable level. Viewers, save your time and do something more exciting, like watching grass grow. I hope this review saves you 90mins of your life. Happy hunting, from "Witness Protection" survivor Bob.
View MoreBorealis has everything we've come to expect from a great Canadian television series: Great acting, writing, setting, and attention to detail. It also has great action sequences. All the characters are well-developed. The basic premise of international interests fighting over the few remaining oil and mineral deposits in the Arctic in the near future resonates with many of today's political and environmental conflicts. It's fitting that this area is presided over by a Canadian - Vic Carboneau trying to keep the peace while running his own bar/hotel/brothel and acting as the resident customs agent. The main cast includes Ty Olsson, Michelle Harrison, Patrick Gallagher, Cristina Rosato, Bryan Dick, Terry Chen, and Christine Horne. The biggest question is why this didn't proceed to series from this very, very promising pilot...
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