Sweet Country
Sweet Country
R | 06 April 2018 (USA)
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In 1929, an Australian Aboriginal stockman kills a white station owner in self-defense and goes on the lam, pursued by a posse.


People are voting emotionally.


Just perfect...


It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.

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Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .


It's been a while since I have been watching such a slow movie... nothing really happens. Pictures are great but it looks so great and hot that I was suffocating by the lack of rythm. I could not go any further than 30 minutes.

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Some critics say that this is the Australian version of High Noon, which is just ridiculous in the sense that the film is not even one tenth of High Noon in terms of quality. The pace is slow, and the plot lacks credibility. The film makes you sleepy all the time. It is just one of the worst films of the year.

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I can't wrap my head around why directors think it's perfectly fine to show, without symbolism, the brutality of rape. It's done all the time, but one is led to believe that these directors, and anybody else involved in the film, are voyeuristic weirdos with nothing else on their minds while rationalizing that they are somehow telling the truth of the reality of life. Things can be suggested, people. They don't have to be spelled out. You're sick. You need help. Here's my one star to help you understand that you don't have support from me and many, many others like me. Wake up.

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I really disliked the plot. Too shallow and not enough attention was paid to it during development. I did like the beautiful cinematography of the land, acting, and the subject at hand. Wouldn't watch if the plot is essential to you.

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