The 40 Year Old Virgin
The 40 Year Old Virgin
R | 11 August 2005 (USA)
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Andy Stitzer has a pleasant life with a nice apartment and a job stamping invoices at an electronics store. But at age 40, there's one thing Andy hasn't done, and it's really bothering his sex-obsessed male co-workers: Andy is still a virgin. Determined to help Andy get laid, the guys make it their mission to de-virginize him. But it all seems hopeless until Andy meets small business owner Trish, a single mom.


Truly Dreadful Film


Overrated and overhyped


Memorable, crazy movie


Best movie ever!


I'm shocked that this movie is still getting good reviews. This movie talks about women as if they're only around to get fucked, you know how I know you're gay jokes, and the only black character is by far the most derogatory towards women. I had expected that when I saw current reviews for this movie they would reflect how far we've come on these issues. However the reverse happened. Sure we can think we're making headway but in reality everything is just the same. Women aren't people they're just vagina's to the majority of men, being gay is something to laugh at and a great way to make fun of people, and supporting negative black stereo types. I know what you'll say you can laugh at these things without thinking them. I don't really think that's true. If you were against all these things there's no way you could find them funny and if somehow you still did them you'd be supporting something that you don't believe in. How does that work?

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Tone, Script & Story: The story moves around a guy who stays virgin until he is 40 years and finally loses it after his colleagues know about it. It follows genre which is drama, comic in nature. It ends how a true love story would end. Acting: Adult references along with included humor by actors set a bar which is quite above the average.Final Verdict: It is hilarious adult comedy followed by quite a justified love story. A must watch.

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Grant Gadbois

Steve Carrell delivers a subtly fantastic performance in this hilarious comedy. But just because it's silly and funny, doesn't mean that's all that it is. Towards the end of the movie, I found myself watching a film about modern ideas of masculinity. There really is a strong narrative hidden behind uproarious comedy and obnoxious jokes. However, where "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" really demonstrates its strengths is simply in the comedy. It truly is a very funny movie, and a smart, touching film as well. Unlike similar comedies nowadays, it asks more of the film by taking the story a step further than creating laughs.

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Steve Carrell is a middle-aged man who works in the stockroom in an electronic store, who rides a bike to work, and who has never had sex with a woman. It just never happened. He probably only half-heartedly tried, but was always awkward with women and never felt secure enough to really be the aggressive type. So I gather from his disposition. Then he meets Catherine Keener, who has an eBay store, to sell your items online! Is she the one? I am reviewing this movie, despite the already numerous reviews, to add my two cents and to encourage people to see this really funny movie, which started the raunchy film craze such as "Superbad, "Knocked Up," "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," and "I Love You, Man." (Not counting the "American Pie" film series.) "Wedding Crashers" was made around the same time as "Virgin," I believe. But while these other films may have their defenders and fans, none of them can claim to have the heart this film does, and the presence of the disarmingly funny Steve Carrell helps. Granted I did like "I Love You, Man," too, but this film just has everything right with not a single false note, and the performances by Catherine Keener, Seth Rogen, Paul Rudd, Jane Lynch and Elizabeth Banks were right on track and made the whole film complete. I don't mean to repeat myself, but this film is just so genuinely funny. Some may be turned off by its unChristianlike language, but other attempts to replicate this success of the film really failed in my opinion. I give it a 10 for the best time you can find in movies where the adults are behaving badly.

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