The Bears and the Bees
The Bears and the Bees
NR | 09 July 1932 (USA)
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The Bears and the Bees Trailers

Two bear cubs tussle harmlessly, then start to munch on a berry bush, until a bigger, meaner bear chases them off. They nibble some flowers and find a bee, which they follow to the hive, which they then proceed to raid. The big bear chases them off, but unknown to him, a bee spotted the raid and has summoned the attack squad. The bees run him off, and the cubs dig in.


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I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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A somewhat cute little cartoon featuring two bear cubs who venture out in search for food and finds a tree stump full of honey. While attempting to get the honey, they try to escape the wrath of a mean bear and bees. A little entertaining and heartfelt - seeing the two bear cubs take care of each other. Grade B-

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This is another one of Disney's Silly Symphonies--a series of short films that did not feature the familiar Disney characters but new ones (mostly animals) that moved to the rhythm of the musical score. This particular example is in black & white--later ones were color."The Bears and the Bees" is an awfully simple but awfully cute film. It features two adorable bear cubs who happen upon a been hive. They are having a great time--not realizing that a mean adult bear is coming. But, before they can become a snack for the big bear, the bees come back to defend their hive--and deliver a butt-whipping to the big bear.Overall, one of the better shorts of the series, as it relies less on cute dancing and more on an honest to goodness story.

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What I loved about Bears and Bees was its cuteness and its simplicity. The black and white animation is very very good, and the music is just terrific. While it is plot less, it is very simple, and that actually added to the silly symphony's charm. The characters were very appealing; the big bear is certainly very ferocious. But the baby bears are simply adorable, and I shed a tear when they started crying. And the bees were funny; I do confess I am terrified of bees and wasps, in real life I freak out at the sight of them. However, I can't help love Bears and Bees, then again there may be a sense of bias, because I adore Silly Symphonies, especially the Christmas ones, that were part of my childhood. All in all, if you love Silly Symphonies, see this gem. You will not be disappointed. 10/10 Bethany Cox

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Ron Oliver

A Walt Disney SILLY SYMPHONY Cartoon Short.THE BEARS AND THE BEES are enjoying the beautiful Spring day - the bees making honey & the bear cubs eating it - until the arrival of a fierce, cranky male bear threatens to ruin everyone's morning...This black & white cartoon is mostly filled with action/reaction animation and an amazing number of posterior gags.The SILLY SYMPHONIES, which Walt Disney produced for a ten year period beginning in 1929, are among the most fascinating of all animated series. Unlike the Mickey Mouse cartoons in which action was paramount, with the Symphonies the action was made to fit the music. There was little plot in the early Symphonies, which featured lively inanimate objects and anthropomorphic plants & animals, all moving frantically to the soundtrack. Gradually, however, the Symphonies became the school where Walt's animators learned to work with color and began to experiment with plot, characterization & photographic special effects. The pages of Fable & Fairy Tale, Myth & Mother Goose were all mined to provide story lines and even Hollywood's musicals & celebrities were effectively spoofed. It was from this rich soil that Disney's feature-length animation was to spring. In 1939, with SNOW WHITE successfully behind him and PINOCCHIO & FANTASIA on the near horizon, Walt phased out the SILLY SYMPHONIES; they had run their course & served their purpose.

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