The Brady Bunch in the White House
The Brady Bunch in the White House
| 29 November 2002 (USA)
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Mike Brady becomes the President of the United States and names Carol as his V.P.!


Good concept, poorly executed.




n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.

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Scotty Burke

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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Jon Butler

The first two Brady Bunch film were beautiful dumb fun. This film is dumb, dumb, dumb. I don't even know where to begin. First of all, the new Brady Bunch kids plus Alice were terrible at portraying their characters. At least Shelly Long and Gary Cole reprised their roles as Carol and Mike. But the rest are barely trying. Part of the fault lies within the writers for replacing subtle double entendres with blatant straightforward unoriginal dirty jokes, which takes away from the Brady Bunch feel. Another problem is how this film is shot. In the first two Brady Bunch, scenes set in the Brady home were shot just like the show. It was a comedic contrast between the real world and the Brady World. In this film the Brady home scenes are shot exactly the same as the rest of the film. Again, this takes away from the Brady Bunch feel a great deal. I've barely even dug into the plot. Bobby finds a winning lottery ticket and Mike decides to turn it in. The family is honored by the president. Then MIke becomes the president. See what's wrong here? It's nothing like the Brady Bunch. The plots of the first two Brady Bunch films heavily referenced story lines from the original series. They took place mostly within the Brady home. This plot is convoluted and is paced horribly. There's barley even a few scenes set in the Brady home! Most of the humor in the film comes from political jokes which constantly fall flat. There's nothing funny about Marsha not knowing the House of Representatives. Not only that, but the concept of "What if Mike Brady were president?" becomes horribly tired. Meanwhile, Jan's inner voices from the first film came back, only it was acted out flatly and in the most unfunny way. Another call back comes near the end with Marsha & Peter's weird quasi-incestuous relationship. Once again, it's handled with zero subtly and the humor is sucked out of the situation. Peter also becomes slightly more crude. He makes references to stuffing a sock in his pants and he talks about boobs a lot. That's not Brady behavior at all! None of the Brady kids act like Brady kids. The writers probably have never seen an episode of the Brady Bunch in their lives. The main focus of this film is Mike and Carol, with very little focus on the kids. While this was probably for the best because, like I said, the Brady kids are terrible, the film overall felt like a huge bore. The first two films had the perfect amount of cheesy humor, subtle jokes, and clever references. The Brady Bunch in the White House is as blunt as dull kitchen knife. It's an dark spot on an otherwise wonderful film series.

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What a complete bile of and waste of celluloid! The people responsible for this crap should be taken out to the woodshed. The people involved in this nonsense should hide their heads in shame and disown their names. And whoever financed this bilge I can assure them that their money would have been better spent sending it to me or at least donating it to charity. This movie is so bad it makes Ed Wood films look like 10 star classics. The writers (assuming there were actually any) couldn't have passed a grade 2 film study. We can only hope that all involved are never again allowed to come near a piece of celluloid and that the actors are banished permanently to a Barney movie set forever to repeat over and over again "I love u, u luv me, we're a great big family" - of idiots. Well holy crap man I think we saw a stinker!

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Of all the films I have seen, songs I have heard and books I read, this is without doubt the one piece of art that people will continue to appreciate with awed reverence 500 years from now. It totally changed my life. When I saw it, I felt that I had been born on this Earth to be at this particular place and this particular time to experience this incredible feat of human artistic excellence. I am absolutely convinced that it will make stars out of every single actor associated with this film, and will one day win the Nobel Prize for Literature for its scriptwriters. While the Brady Bunch is a milestone of Western Civilisation, and the Whitehouse one of its greatest architectural monuments, no mere mortal would have ever thought to put them together. But the producers of this movie are clearly no mere mortals. The staggering genius on display here simply takes the breath away. The words simply do not exist to describe this film. Watching it, I clearly felt the presence of the Lord. If Leonardo da Vinci were alive today and had a movie camera, I have no doubt he would be making films like this, as well as pornos. Look upon this work, ye mighty, and despair.

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Barry Moore

The entire premise behind the "New" Brady movies has pretty much been run into the ground. Yes, they are clueless. Yes, they are from an age that never actually existed. Yes, we can all see the references to old Brady episodes sprinkled throughout the movie. (Mikes plans in the tube, the broken vase from playing ball in the house, Jan jealous of Marcia, etc., etc.) but it is just not funny the third time around. Mike becomes president because of his insistence of finding out who owns a lottery ticket Bobby found. Hilarity is supposed to ensue when the evil of Washington takes on the blissful naive goodness of the Brady's. It's just one joke though. It is funny a couple of times, but mostly it is the theatrical movies scripts put into a cheap White House set. Nothing new here, except the kids that play the Brady children.

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