The Brainsucker
The Brainsucker
| 21 August 1988 (USA)
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A psycho killer uses a corkscrew to stick into the brains of his victims.


Why so much hype?


Sadly Over-hyped


Highly Overrated But Still Good


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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D. Ceased

It feels hard to review this movie because I can't honestly tell you what it's about. It's not really a story, much more random scenes loosely involving a "brainsucker" who drills people's brains out with a big, cartoonish drill thing.People just do random things in this movie, characters aren't really introduced nor developed. They just do random things, and mention this "bloodsucker", who is hardly shown in the movie. The sheriff, I think, makes the townsfolks deputies and they run wild. There's cuts to some radio talk show host who can't seem to stop breathing into the mic. There's some attempts at humor, but they're painfully unfunny. Some women says it's her son, but she dies off pretty quickly and pretty randomly. We get these terrible police, one with an absolutely terrible accent, chasing after a dance instructor and her boyfriend, when they reach an airport. One police officer finds out the brainsucker is his son, but this isn't really a twist and I don't really give a ####. They take off in a plane, and the brainsucker uses the drill to remove some white goop out of his head and releases it out of the plane.As I said, it's hard to review this because it's not a coherent movie in any sense. There's a lot that's in it for no real reason and the story doesn't make sense anyways. The characters aren't fleshed out or given any life, and there's little connection between them and what's happening. The effects are crude and barely amateur-level. The brains look like strips of bacon or pork cutlets. I can't recommend this to anyone, not even lovers of bad movies. Abysmal.

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I've already commented on this film (under the name TheLegendaryWD). But I see there are others who have commented since. All I can say is: WHAT THE F**K!?". I cannot believe that a whole 16 people have commented on this film or even seen this movie. Add to that the fact that a couple give it great reviews (probably the makers of the film who went to one of those places in a strip mall that provide internet service and wrote a good review - seeing as how there is no way they could or would pay for their own internet provider... just look at their movie). Although I still admit I got a soft spot for this movie. I thought that some of the other people writing about this one might have it confused with another... until I read the reviews... especially the person who identified the tag line on the front of the box: "The Ultimate in Frontal Lobotomy" (what the f**k is that supposed to mean anyway? "frontal" lobotomy?)... I totally forgot about that until I read it in the review. People, we are a select few... I say we meet once a year to view this film... wait, does anyone still have it? If anyone does have it please contact me... I'm dyin' to get drunk.

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I remembered this awful movie I bought at Camelot music store in the summer of 1989 when I was visiting my Grandparents. It was a time when I had just discovered movies like Re-Animator, From Beyond, The Return of the Living Dead, and Dawn of the Dead. I was ready for all the horror/gore genre had to offer.... or so I thought! I was only about 12 years old at the time so I really don't remember it all that well. I remember a psycho running around with a corkscrew killing people, and a couple of cops (I think) who were riding in a car that wasn't actually moving, but being rocked side to side to look like it was... true cinemagic. I also remember it being the worst film I had ever seen up to that point and I promptly threw it in the garbage.Something tonight made me think of that movie (I can't believe I actually remembered the name), so I jumped on imdb to see if it was listed. To my surprise... IT WAS! And a full other 5 people have seen it.... Amazing. Even though I remember hating the film at the time I sort of wish I had kept it hidden away somewhere because I'd love to check it out again for a laugh (it would probably make a good drinking game movie). Anyway, I'm glad I'm part of the elite few that's seen this little "treasure". I would love to pick it up somewhere for a couple of bucks.... but beware, this is not a recommendation... it is awful... it's just for nostalgia.

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I went through the highs. I went through the lows...cried, laughed, puked my ever-loving guts out. But through it all, I was made whole. I became a better person for having sat through this experience in self-imposed degradation. It's not every day we can say that we have lived through the worst, and come out the other side with something closely resembling our sanity whole and intact. Friends...neighbors-unite and be as one now. Go out and find this film and languish in its extravagancies. Place it high on the mantel and kiss its polystyrene box. Take it to bed. Take it out with you when you go shopping, or have blind dates with strange people. They will appreciate you all the better for your sublime and uniquely schizophrenic slant on cinema. And then they will throw their beverage of choice in your face (but you will have the last laugh). I ran for Governor with this little beauty under my belt (and you can too!). It is a treat worth having again and again.

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