The Burden
The Burden
| 27 January 2017 (USA)
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A shopping center along a large highway is the scene of an apocalyptic musical. Animation with a strong sense of form set to auto-tuned music by Klungan. About liberation through great catastrophy.


i must have seen a different film!!


Better Late Then Never

Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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This short seems to be all over the place at first, but over time these vignettes connect and make an interesting point about life in general that can be connected to human society. This short regards the lives of various animals, through dance and song(s). To some, this short is uncomfortable and unnerving, to me, it's a strange but enjoyable experience that will forever be memorable for all the right reasons. Plus there's a dance that some rats do in a presumably fast food restaurant and that's pretty great in my opinion.

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Besides the amazing animation, the humor is really cute and unique. Everyone was laughing in the theater. I love how it portraits life with silliness and also sarcastically point out that all our worries and suffers are just tiny silly things in the big universe and nothing really matters. "Long time... long time". The song just stuck in my head now Love it!

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I saw The Burden in Annecy this summer, and have been thinking about it since. This is an animated musical that don't look like anything else. So unique and fresh that I first didn't know how to react.It's sad but funny, weird but universal, intellectual but emotional, tragic but still uplifting. And then all the detailed craft behind the sets of and puppet animals, as well as the beautiful music - it makes you wanna see it over and over again. The fishes, the stepping mice, the apocalyptic ending...There are elements of big names like David Lynch, Roy Andersson, Lars von Trier and Wes Anderson - but basically this Swedish short is so original that it's hard to describe – you have to see it. For me, it's by far the best and most interesting short film of 2017.

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This Swedish film defies my explaining really have to see it. The story (such as it is) consists of vignettes where some ultra-creepy characters (such as bald rats and monkey telemarketers) begin singing and dancing about through the magic of stop-motion. While at first very striking, soon the novelty wears off and what you have is an incredibly dull and brain-numbing film. Is there a point to all this? I doubt it...but some of the folks at the film festival where I saw it laughed. As for me, since there really was no plot and the singing was incomprehensible, it just felt like a tedious and pointless film. Sorry to sound so negative....I just didn't enjoy it nor did I see much reason to recommend it.

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