The Crawlers
The Crawlers
R | 18 October 1991 (USA)
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People from a small town are attacked by evil radioactive tree roots growing in the forest.


Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay


Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.

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Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction

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Warren Marris

Well, I would not go out of my way for this one...Its a nice idea, but DAMN its so cheesy!!!I really do not know what more to say - Its a typical Exploitation Movie in many ways... Seriously Low Budget, Very Poor Acting, all around its fun!I saw someone review say that it was being offered as a PAY PER VIEW? Dear God NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!If you see it on The Horror Channel or something, take a chance... Its harmless fun!Is there anything good I can say about the film? Yes... A Very predictable but good twist ending!Just like Troll 2, You would not be missing out in this Sequel - If you can even call it that... It has nothing to do with its predecessors ... Not even under its many other names!But if you want Cheese... Worth a shot!

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"Creepers" AKA "The Crawlers" AKA "Contamination.7" wasn't even half as bad as I expected it to be. Practically all the aspects (from story, over effects, to acting), which I thought would be abominable, turned out a lot better. Lots of likable characters in a small town, almost places this movie along the lines of a movie like "Critters" (1986), though by far not of the same quality level, naturally. It's just a bit of shameless B-horror movie fun, but it's too bad that there's only one memorable killing in it, really (the root of a tree going in one's mouth and coming out of his eye socket, good stuff!). If it would have had a couple more, I wouldn't even have flunked it. Inexplicably, this film was also released onto the video market under the "Troll 3" title. The only explanation I can find for this, is that "Creepers" was also made by Italians. They did the same with the humongously bad "Troll 2" (1990), which had nothing to do with John Carl Buechler's original "Troll" (1986). Safe to say that "Creepers" aka "Contamination.7" is a better film than "Troll 2". But that's not saying much, of course.

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Big city girl Josie (Mary Sellers) has just arrived back in her small Alaskan hometown for an extended stay with her mother and kid brother, and decides to possibly reconcile with her former high school boyfriend Matt (Jason Saucier) while she's there. Down at the nearby nuclear power plant, illegal chemical dumping (part of an obligatory and half-assed cover-up subplot) has resulted in animated, super-intelligent, radioactive tree roots that are killing everyone off. Victims include an obnoxious sheriff, a female hitchhiker passing through town, a farmer and his wife, a hooker with a heart of gold and a gas station attendant and his pet dog Chester. The roots mostly just trip or strangle people and make a hilarious whip-cracking noise whenever they attack. They also make a (toy) helicopter explode by pulling it about two feet to the ground. During the film's one and only bloody scene, the roots go into a guy's mouth and then poke the eyeball out of a mannequin head. And that's about all she wrote with this dull-as-dishwater waste of time, which would be totally forgotten by now if not for a misleading title change linking it to the notoriously awful camp classic TROLL 2. So be forewarned, no trolls make an appearance in CONTAMINATION.7 (aka TROLL 3). Hell, there aren't even any goblins.And unfortunately, while TROLL 2 failed in an enjoyable awful way, this one fails to reach that film's same level of redeeming unintentional hilarity. Though thoroughly inept, it's also boring, clichéd, slow-moving and far too tame to really be enjoyable. The fact they used inexperienced local "talent" to fill out the cast, along with providing these laughably bad amateur thesps with truly rotten dialogue throughout the film, is the only point of possible enjoyment, though even that got old quickly.Probably best known as THE CRAWLERS here in the States, though the version I viewed was titled CREEPERS. Don't know if that's a cut version of this film or not, but I highly doubt it. I'm also not sure of Joe D'Amato's actual involvement since his name (or "David Hills" for that matter) is nowhere to be found in the credits. Only one director is listed and that's "Martin Newlin;" the same alias used by Fabrizio Laurenti for the Linda Blair/David Hasselhoff film WITCHERY (1988).

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They say lightening doesn't strike twice but check out Crawlers. This film is produced by the people who brought you that masterpiece known as Troll 2. Honestly this film doesn't match the pure genius of Troll 2 but it sure comes close. First, check out the Alaskan setting. Everyone knows that Alaska is beautiful and scenic but who knew it was so freaking hot! That Alaskan summer will kill you. At least five characters complain about the ungodly Alaskan heat. Second, the boss at the nuclear power plant might be the greatest actor I've ever seen on film. His tone of voice never changes. Its an amazing feat of line reading and I do mean line reading. This man deserved an award for this performance. No one can be that horrible. I believe its a commentary on the robotic nature of our everyday lives. This man deserves our respect. Third, look out for those flying roots. Tremendous special effects work permeates this film. Check out that helicopter crash. Was that a fisher price model? I do believe it was. And how about the tonka truck bulldozer. I guess they only had enough money to rent the real deal for a very brief time. All in all this film isn't quite as good as Troll 2 but it come pretty close. Watch and learn about the true art of filmmaking.

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