The Dark Matter of Love
The Dark Matter of Love
| 01 November 2012 (USA)
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Eleven year old Masha Kulabokhova is about to be adopted into fourteen year old Cami Diaz's family. Masha grew up in a Russian orphanage; Cami was born and raised in Wisconsin and has been the exclusive focus of her parents' love her whole life. The process of Masha becoming part of the Diaz family is going to change both girls forever. The Dark Matter of Love follows Masha as she leaves Russia to the spend her first year as part of the Diaz family, who have also adopted five year old twin boys Marcel and Vadim. When the reality of bonding with children who have grown up in institutions turns out to be more difficult than they ever imagined, the Diaz's hire two of the world's best developmental psychologists to help them build their new family - through science. Sometimes hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking, The Dark Matter of Love melds the story of the Diaz family learning to love, with rare archive footage of science experiments exploring parent-child love.


Save your money for something good and enjoyable

Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.


The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.

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The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Lucas Sousa

Dark matter of love" behind the story of a family that wanted new members , but would like to do this from a poorly planned manner . I do not understand why the family did not learn the Russian language , how long they fought for custody of the children? It should be enough time for them to learn the language of future children , maybe they thought " If we talk to them in Russian , kids will not want to learn about the English language ," I hope it was this. Another thing , I know that parents have the right to change the name of their small children , but doing so without consulting them seems wrong , the mother could have preserved the Russian origin of children. Despite all the slips, with time everything seemed to have worked . Masha , Marcel and Vadim need thank a lot to their parents , because the choice to adopt them completely changed the direction of their lives , adding them warmth and love.

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A well-intentioned, but somewhat arrogant and naive couple adopts four Russian children all at once. The wife even goes so far as to change their names without consulting them. Neither made an effort to learn Russian. Obviously, these kids are better off than they were in the Russian orphanages and seem to adjust, but the transition could have been smoother. Also, the couple seem oblivious to their biological daughter's feelings of insecurity now that she suddenly has three new siblings. Pay her some attention as well folks! There were moments as I was watching this documentary that I felt this couple simply wanted to fulfill a fantasy of having a large family rather than share their good fortune and make up for all the love these kids did not receive earlier in their lives. I wish them all well.

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Two naive but well-intentioned parents (with biological teenage daughter Cami) take on the adoption of three Russian youngsters simultaneously. Where was the social worker to advise against this? The children know no English, and the parents don't bother to learn Russian. The resulting disciplinary confusion is uncomfortable, and almost laughable. The children demonstrate two manifestations of Attachment Disorder: extreme detachment in the case of eleven-year-old Masha, and uncontrolled temper tantrums in the cases of five-year-old twins Marcel and Vadim. To make matters worse, the children's names are changed, without their input, to Americanized names like "Caitlin" and "Cody," rather than celebrating their Russian heritage.And yet the narrative redeems itself. Firstly, the attachment disorders are explained, and the family is counseled by professionals. There is a scientific anthropological thread throughout the movie. And perhaps more to the point: love conquers all in this case. In spite of the awkwardness, they all eventually find love and acceptance in their augmented family.

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I thought this documentary was very moving, thought provoking and beautiful. It follows three children from Russia and their new adopted family from the US through connecting and finding their place together as a family. It portrayed in a very realistic way peoples need to connect, to feel a sense of belonging and stability. It also showed the consequences of how you are brought up yourself and past experiences will shape you as a parent. It was very interesting to learn how huge a role affection, love and connecting with other people have in a child's development.I found it moving and utterly fantastic. The movie showed how we all need relationships of love, support and safety in our lives. The basic necessities are not just food, water, air, shelter and sleep, we also need each other. I recommend this documentary t everyone.

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