The Dark Side of the Sun
The Dark Side of the Sun
R | 21 December 1988 (USA)
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Traveling in search of a cure for a rare skin disease, a man finds freedom and love along the way.


What makes it different from others?


Memorable, crazy movie


The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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SPOILER ALERT The thin story is a close copy of The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, all the way through. Just change bubble to leather suit, and add motorcycle.The good: Cheryl Pollak is very pretty and sparkly, as always. The Yugoslavian coastal scenery is carefully filmed and looks great. Brad takes off his shirt, if you like that sort of thing.The bad: Cheryl Pollak sings. Twice! Her idiot friends. Brad Pitt's untrained voice. The motorcycle "race" on the beach. Brad conceals his true identity from Cheryl for no real reason. The weird: When we first see Brad Pitt's face at the 35 minute mark, he is dressed like James Dean in Rebel Without A Cause: jeans, white tee shirt and red jacket. The R rating for showing one topless girl for a few seconds. The Adriatic coast is famous for its nude beaches, so what's the big deal? Brad plays with a dolphin, which would normally violate the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Brad's spaced out mom in a wheelchair shows up at the end for no reason. And most importantly, why does Brad kill himself right after sleeping with his true love? Most guys come back for more.Bottom line: a lightweight romance, sprinkled with eye candy and oddball choices. Gave it a 5 because I like Cheryl in almost anything.

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I couldn't resist to see the Dark Side of the Sun after hearing its story. It was filmed in prewar Yugoslavia, all footage of the film was lost, starred Brad Pitt(as his debut film) etc. All those factors gave me energy to find the DVD with a very reasonable price. Did I like the film. Unfortunately,no. Story is good, Brad Pitt looks around 17, cant believe this movie was from 10 10-15 years ago. However, as his debut film, he does quite well as Rick who suffers from a rare skin disease and should't contact with sun directly. He is in Yugoslavia with his family and trying to find cure for his illness. His father is a businessman and seems like controlling it from Yugoslavia. Fair enough but spends all his money to find cure for his son's illness from the dodgy looking guy!!What happened to the modern ways of treatment. Although it is mentioned during the film that there is no cure so far in modern medicine but come on, see that healer and you know that he won't be any help.. Of course, beside his illness, Rick finds th love of his life. Frances is touring with a small theatre group around Europe and she meets Rick. She falls for him as well but when he wears his mask. It takes her until the very end of the film that she has been dealing with the same guy all the way long. Silly!! My conclusion about The Dark Side of the Sun would be average. I think it has a decent storyline, average actors, Brad Pitt and Guy Boyd especially stands out. But, rest of the cast is below average (mostly Yugoslavian). Music is pretty annoying, reminded me crappy Turkish B-movies from 80's. Despite an okay acting from Mr Pitt and a good story, over all I think my very best is * out of *****

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The chance to see a very young Brad Pitt and take a look at the beautiful Yugoslavian countryside before the schism are the main reasons to see this film. The film itself is fairly mundane. With only a slight story to tell the film needs a sharp script and a strong director but gets neither. Pitt (or his double) plays Rick, a teenager who spends most of the film hidden behind a leather mask. This does not give him a lot of scope to convey the tragic nature of his character except through the non-too brilliant dialogue. Cheryl Pollak is attractive and personable where the role calls for someone truly charismatic. It doesn't help that, when he finally removes the mask, Pitt is much prettier than she is. On the plus side, Guy Boyd lifts the film with an excellent portrayal of Rick's father. It's probably unfair to judge this 1980s film by today's standards but, even allowing for that, I can't see this as anything more than the kind of movie that passes the time while your lying on the sofa recovering from a bout of the flu.

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It was nice to see a really old movie (okay not old, but from the 1980s) starring a really young Brad Pitt in a movie that could have actually had some potential. (and I stress "could have")"The Dark Side of the Sun" had some potential to be a great movie. The storyline was definately there: a young man, whom throughout his whole life has had to live in darkness because of a skin disease, longs for the intimacy that he could never have. So because of his skin disease, the only way that he could live life was if a) the windows in his home were all shut tight and b) if he traveled around on a motorcycle with a leather suit that showed no skin. Not that the movie's heart was in the wrong place: I mean, it shows that whole angsty-longing we have as we grow from teens to adults. We all want something that we probably can never have. And it kills us to know that. And it also brought up a very interesting skin disease that most people (or myself) didn't know about. So it educated the viewer as well.The main problem with the movie? Just the acting. It was horrible. Not that *I* could do a better job, but my goodness. Brad Pitt was definitely good (can't really deny that sparkly smile and bright baby blues), but as for some of the other co-stars that I won't mention, it just made some of the dialogue a little, hokey. Particularly one scene, which was just awful. I laughed instead of, I guess, cried (it was a weepy moment). But for some reason...I stuck it through. I watched this movie, even though it was difficult. To sum it up: storyline good, some of the acting bad, lame dialogue, Brad Pitt rules all. Amen.

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