The Dead Talk Back
The Dead Talk Back
| 31 December 1957 (USA)
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A psychic researcher attempts to solve a murder by using a radio that enables him to speak with the dead.


Great Film overall


A waste of 90 minutes of my life

Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Eric Stevenson

This is a movie that was actually made way back in the 1950's, but wasn't released until 1993! That must be some record! This has to be one of the most boring movies I've seen in a long time. The movie starts by saying that this event is based on a true story. I know better than to trust any real life claims about the paranormal. This movie features a woman who's killed by a crossbow and most of this movie is nothing but detectives interviewing people. That's all there is! The characters are annoying and everyone is just so inactive in this film.I was at least hoping we would see some cool story about ghosts, but there were no ghosts at all! I believe at the end, it turns out that the woman didn't die at all, and the very few paranormal stuff we saw was just illusions. Yep, this movie title lied! It was talking about talking with the dead and it never even did that. I guess there might have been some supernatural stuff in this, but I didn't care to notice. While I don't believe in talking to the dead, this movie should have had some to make it interesting! *1/2

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Although made in 1957, The Dead Talk Back was stored away and forgotten until 1993. And to be fair, those in 1957 didn't miss much. The Dead Talk Back is pretty boring, and the only time that the dead actually talk back is at the end of the film. Henry Krasker (Aldo Farnese) is a scientist working on some kind of machine that will allow him to talk to the recently deceased. He lives in a house with an assortment of other people. When one of those people, Renee Coliveli (Laura Brock) is murdered, Krasker sets up the machine to determine who did it. In the meantime however we focus on the police investigation which I wouldn't really mind so much if the movie wasn't focused on this machine that allows people to talk to the dead. On top of that, the film looks pretty cheap, it isn't very interesting, none of the characters are particularly likable, so it makes a pretty good Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode. So check out the MST3K sometime soon.

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Tommy Nelson

Henry Krasker is a scientist, who is dying to reveal his new invention....a way of talking to the dead! Sound intriguing? It's not. Instead of learning about this invention, which it seems the movie would be about, it flashes back to how a woman dies. This is not a spoiler, considering the narrator is constantly saying she will be dead in x amount of minutes. After the murder, it switches to a detective murder mystery where the detective goes around interrogating this woman's housemates and close friends. Actually, this was a pretty original film is some ways. It had an interesting plot (or one that could have been interesting if it was executed better) that had not yet been done. It used a strange formula of flashing back for the movie, and switching narrators. It could've been good. All it needed was a different cast, director, and writer.My rating: 1/2 out of ****. 84 mins.

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It's almost impossible to find out anything about The Dead Talk Back. It was made in 1956 or 1957 (depending on which sources you're look at) and immediately shelved. As far as I can tell, it was never shown anywhere. I'm assuming that sometime around 1993, Sinister Cinema found the film and somehow procured the rights to it and released it on video. I assume 1993 because that's the year listed on IMDb for the movies release. Somehow The Dead Talk Back came to the attention of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and was included on their Season 6 schedule. That's about it as far as the story behind The Dead Talk Back. If it weren't for MST3K, I doubt this thing would have more than 5 votes on IMDb.As for the movie, it's mind-numbingly awful. It's dull, uneventful, and a total waste of time. The acting ranges from over-the-top to, well, no acting at all. The special effects look like they came from a 1950s Radio Shack equivalent clearance sale. The plot attempts to include elements of horror, drama, mystery, science fiction, and every other genre you can name and fails miserably at each. There's so little entertainment value in The Dead Talk Back that the MST3K crew seemed to have trouble with it. They just didn't seem as "inspired" and, as a result, this is one of the weaker episodes of MST3K I've seen.

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