The Free World
The Free World
R | 23 September 2016 (USA)
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Following his release from a brutal stretch in prison for crimes he didn't commit, Mo is struggling to adapt to life on the outside. When his world collides with Doris, a mysterious woman with a violent past, he decides to risk his newfound freedom to keep her in his life.


After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.

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Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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The Free World is yet another movie meant to show the power or religion, though the religion of choice this time is Islam, not Christianity. So, at least they don't mention how there's a need to be saved.Mo(short for Mohamed) was recently released from prison for a crime he didn't commit. While working at an animal abuse shelter, a beaten dog is brought in. Mo's boss threatens to call the cops, but, lo and behold, a cop is the one that beat the dog. Just the first of the bad cops in this movie. There are no good ones.That evening, in front of the dog's cage in the shelter, he sees the owner, Doris (also the dog-beater's wife), passed out. HE takes her home with him, and later finds out she killed her husband and is on the run. The two then go on the run together, as she killed the man that was beating her.That's the basics of the story, but along the way we are shown multiple images of Mo washing his arms pre-prayer, praying, etc. His faith is raised multiple times through the story. He converted in prison, where the conversion brought him peace. It's banged over your head multiple times.Looks to me the director wanted to say, see, not all Muslims are bad, but they're all treated the same by those evil police.

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I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I believe that the film has a tacked on ending, to appease the people who insist on relatively happy endings. You get the sense from the voice-over that "the film ends here", yet we come out on the other side and everyone is smiling. I believe that the same thing was done with The Crying Game. If you end both films on the "fade to black", you have a masterpiece. If you go past that, you have a great independent film that has been Hollywoodized.

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I love to watch films that don't require much location, much vulgarity, a lot of CGI, gun violence and sex scenes to tell a story. With a excellent script and excellent acting, a film can be well done with the just the basics. I loved this movie, two people finding true love under real dire conflict but in the end having to face the harsh reality of their decisions. I will add this, any man who beats on women is a punk, coward lowlife and true scumbag. This movie is straight forward and honest and right to the point and you can't ask any more of film. Kudos to the whole cast. I will admit I was looking for a more brighter ending for the couple, but that's what was made it so good, it didn't have that cliché type of a happy ending. I highly recommend this to film lovers, not movie goers, there is a big difference. You will not be disappointed.

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I am genuinely surprised by the negative/indifferent reviews of this film. I found the story line original and well- paced. The performances by the two leads were exceptional, entirely plausible and soulful. Whilst I have seen criticism for the lack of character depth, it must be said that the movie's length did not allow for this. In any case, I think that it is not difficult for the audience to grasp both characters' 'back stories' and identify with the innocence of their mutual affection; the male lead having been incarcerated most of his adult life and the female lead seeing him as her saviour. A warm, well-acted film with an "oh no!!!!" moment at the end.I do hesitate to label anything a 'chick flick' but I anticipate the story line may appeal to a more sensitive audience.

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