The Gathering
The Gathering
| 01 December 1998 (USA)
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Michael Carey's world turns upside-down when the successful marketing executive catches a glimpse of the near future. These visions could not come at a worse time for his marriage, his job or his friendships. Michael struggles to understand the meaning of the messages and must convince his loved ones that Jesus will soon return.


it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.

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This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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Maleeha Vincent

It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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Being involved with independent films myself as an actor and writer - I know the quality of both is not always that good - so I was pleasantly surprised to discover that - in my opinion both were very good in this film. And it had some decent visual effects thrown in as well. I found that at the end of the film I was not wanting it to end. I was hoping it would continue and I could see what else happened in the lives of the characters - but I understand why the writers wanted it to end as it did. To me the actors were very believable in their roles. I enjoyed this film very much.

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Not Deceived

This movie is great! It tells the story of Michael, who becomes a Christian.His wife is not happy with his new love for Jesus, as she feels that he doesn't love her as much anymore (which is the opposite, he loves her even more now that he has Christ in his life.) His mother-in-law, an atheistic college professor has a strong dislike for Christians (she even academically harasses a Christian student in her class. She is also shown mocking the return of Christ, fulfilling prophecy that in the last days, there will be people who mock the return of Jesus Christ.) Also, the people at his work are giving him a hard time because of his new found faith. Michael has recurring dreams of the rapture, a future event where Jesus will call all His followers to heaven; this period will be followed by a 7 year tribulation of judgments so horrendous, that over 50% of the world's population will die (read the book of Revelation, starting with Chapter 4), before Jesus physically returns to the earth to set up His Millennial Kingdom. His wife and mother-in law are also having recurring dreams about the tribulation; his wife, about facing taking the mark of the beast or being killed; his mother-in law, being one of the people who turns in her daughter in for refusing to take the mark. At the end of the movie, Michael is raptured, but not before leaving a message for his wife that it's not too late to accept Christ. His Christian-hating mother in law witnesses two people disappearing in front of her eyes after a meeting at her school. His wife is at work at a daycare center when the rapture takes place. She and her co worker witness the children disappearing, and cling to each other crying, while his wife says "Michael was right...what are we going to do?"This movie is excellent, and I definitely recommend it. My only complain is that it's only about an hour and 15 minutes long. Too short in my opinion! :)

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Those who are familiar with the LEFT BEHIND series should find this one well worth the time. Michael Carrey, a successful marketing executive catches a glimpse of the near future, namely the Rapture of Christians into Heaven. His wife and mother-in-law also get a preview of the Tribulation period following the Rapture. Carrey tries to warn his unbelieving loved ones of the soon return of Jesus Christ before it's too late.Filmed on a limited budget, it's a well paced story, one of those movies that doesn't need big-name stars or spectacular special effects to get it's point across. Highly recommended. Rating: ***** out of *****

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I highly recommend The Gathering for Christians and non-Christians. The story is compelling and sends a strong message. Further, it serves to provoke conversation and inquiry from viewers regarding the detailed meanings of end-time events and salvation. It is refreshing to see the actions and the plan of God, working thru his people on the silver screen. It was convicting to see Christians, not made to look stupid or compromised (as often the case), but portrayed in realistic everyday situations, holding fast to the `profession' of their faith --Hebrews 10:23. We witness the character Michael, responding to an environment that is no longer even self-conscious of its deliberate anti-Christian bias. A very post-Christian environment indeed. Film media by its very nature, often bases reality on what can be seen and envisioned. The `visions and dreams' segments of the film where at times esoteric, and dramatic. This could have been somewhat de-emphasized by the use of more detailed scriptural reference, with dialogue between the characters stemming from from that foundation. That being said, it is a blessing to see the fruits of long hard work to make the movie. The Gathering is an excellent family film, which can be used as a evangelical tool as well. Tell friends and family about this film.

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