What makes it different from others?
Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Expected more
Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
View More**SPOILERS** Listless and confusing made or TV movie about a masked, who also seems to be wearing a scuba-diving outfit, vigilante who's out on the streets of Austin Texas taking out child abusers, in many cases their fathers, and pedophiles.When Officer Ben Simms', Sean Partick Flaney, wife Lori, Alaina Kalanj, is gunned down trying to protect her daughter Cassie, Emma Nicolas, from being kidnapped by registered sex offender John Cutter, Steve Krieger, he completely loses it in him going out of his way in enforcing the law when it comes to sexual predators and offenders. Instead of being given, before he kills someone in his custody, a desk job Simms is put on the case of the vigilante child sex abusers killings which he's very much, the vigilante's actions, in favor of. It's very obvious from the start that both the citizens of Austin as well members of the Austin Police Department are the least interested in capturing the vigilante in that he's cleaning up the streets of the city of dangerous sex offenders. This becomes very clear when a very reluctant Simms is given Daphne Jocelyn, Joey Lauren Adams, as his partner in finding and arresting the vigilante. Having been working in traffic court, giving out parking tickets, a major criminal case like this is usually given to a much more experienced cop who handlers homicides and kidnappings then a green rookie as well as ticket writer like Daphne is! Which shows how unconcerned the higher ups in the police department are in catching the vigilante.Later Cutter in his trying to kidnap little Brianna, Joanne McCray, in a local park is confronted by the masked vigilante who quickly, with his expertise of the martial arts, puts him away with a cracked skull and a few broken bones. It's at Cutter's arraignment that two unexpected things happen. Simms trying to take the law into is own hands-Jack Ruby-style- and gun Cutter down on the steps of Hall of Justice is beaten to the punch by the vigilante! The vigilante hiding on a garage roof overlooking the Hall of Justice puts a high powered bullet through Cutter-bulletproof vest and all-before Simms could even get off a single shot!The rest of the movie has you guessing just who this vigilante is who, after icing Cutter, escaped from being captured by Simms' partner Officer Roland,Brian MaNamara, with what seems like something, a flying teaser, straight out of Batmans's famed utility belt! Soon the vigilante angle of the movie starts to get a bit tiring in that he's able to pick up police radio calls, from what looks like his state-of-the-art control center, that puts him a step ahead of the police who, like Officer Simms, are not at all interested in capturing him.***SPOILER*** It's only when Simm's daughter Cassie is later kidnapped that the film, after almost putting you to sleep, again becomes interesting! You know that Cassie's kidnapper can't be the late John Cutter who earlier murder her mom, as he unsuccessfully tried to kidnap her, so who in blazes can he be! It takes Officer Joceyn, and the vigilante who's listening in on her radio calls, to figure out who Cassie's kidnapper is. He turns out to be someone who has very close connections to not only Simms & Joceyn but to the late John Cutter himself! And that sets up the movies unbelievable final sequence where the mysterious vigilante's identity is reviled but also, which is far more surprising, how totally impossible, in the condition he's in, he could have pulled off what he did all throughout the entire movie!
View MoreThe highest ranking member is a 7th Degree black which happens to be one stripe more than the star Jeff Speakman. The 7th Degree black belts name is Sr. Professor Brian Duffy and he has a school in Austin for the last 31 years. The Black belt across from him is one of his few ( 12 to date ).The other Black belts in the line are also school owners from San Antonio ,North Austin and Dallas.One of the body double for Mimi rogers during martial arts scenes was Mr. Duffy's daughter , Angela . As for the movie I thought it was a good idea but not quite all there. Without saying too much because I think its a movie that has merit , I was disturbed and am still disturbed when certain kids songs are played which to me means the movie really touched me on some level. Chilling choice of kids songs..
View Morei saw it at the video store and thought the idea was cool, but . . . . despite the cool idea, the movie was terrible.there are so many holes in the story, but since i can't remember the characters names, i will not take the time and effort to say much. just a couple of points:1) why does the vigilante wear goggles and a mask in the comfort of the high-tech vigilante spy room? 2) why does the molester cop fight with his molester brother if they are in cahoots. 3) why is the molester cop a molester? this is never explained. 4) are parents and babysitters really that oblivious to molesters walking around in the middle of the play in plain sight and right in front of them? 5) how does the vigilante get all of these cameras all over the place?and many more, but since the movie was so bad, i don't feel like spending more time and effort in complaining. just enough to vent for the anger of wasting $1.00 at the video store.one more thing, the sound track suxs too. i almost hit the mute button.mcs
View MoreWhen comparing The Gunman to other Independent films, this one stands out as one of the best. Taking on tough themes like God, justice, and vigilantism is never easy and should be applauded when it is done in such an excellent fashion as writer/director Daniel Millican has accomplished. Mimi Rogers and Brian McNamara performances were quite good with a powerful monologue by Mimi at the end.A great film and a great story.I look forward to Daniel's next project.FZ
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