The Hebrew Hammer
The Hebrew Hammer
R | 23 January 2003 (USA)
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When a psychotic Santa (Andy Dick) tries to destroy Chanukah by hypnotizing Jewish children with bootlegged copies of the Christmas classic "It's a Wonderful Life," it's up to the Hebrew Hammer to save the day. Together with Mohammed (Mario Van Peebles), head of the Kwanzaa Liberation Front, the Hammer takes no prisoners in his quest to hunt down the renegade Santa and make the holiday season safe for all.


ridiculous rating


Best movie ever!


After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.

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The Hebrew HammerThe irony of Jesus being Jewish is he'd likely celebrate Hanukkah over Christmas.However, this comedy speaks to the other Christmas mascot.Bullied as a kid for his beliefs, Mordechai grows up to protect Jews from persecution as The Hebrew Hammer (Adam Goldberg).When his services are needed by the black community to help stop Santa's son (Andy Dick) from eradicating Kwanzaa, Hammer is hesitate until he learns those plans include Hanukkah as well.Backed by the leader of the Kwanzaa Liberation Front (Mario Van Peebles), the chief of the Jewish Justice League (Peter Coyote) and the chief's daughter (Judy Greer), The Hebrew Hammer hunts down Damian.With a surprisingly funny performance from Andy Dick, The Hebrew Hammer is a self- deprecating spoof of every religious observance in December with the streetwise sensibilities of a 1970s blaxploitation film.Besides, without Kwanzaa and Hanukkah decorations retailers would have half of a shelf to fill.Yellow

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An orthodox Jewish blaxploitation hero (Adam Goldberg) saves Hanukkah from the clutches of Santa Claus's evil son (Andy Dick).My biggest complaint with this film is the sex jokes. I thought they carried themselves well with the racial and ethnic humor, and made a mockery of racism and stereotypes. Throwing is sexual material just seemed to cheaper it, and for that I had to dock them a star.What I found interesting was having Peter Coyote as the head of the Jewish Justice League. With a name like Coyote, I did not think he was Jewish. Turns out I was very, very wrong. His father was a Jewish investment banker and his maternal grandfather was a rabbi. He certainly knows about the stereotypical Jewish, New York City life.I also found my appreciation of the film changed between my first and second viewings. The first time I loved it for the racial humor. The second time, there was still that, but I had since seen "Superfly" and a few other films and better appreciated the homages that were thrown in, particularly the use of the Curtis Mayfield.The MC Hammer and Mike Hammer jokes were good, and hopefully not over anyone's head (by 2003, did people still know who MC Hammer was?).

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If I had my eyes closed at the opening, I might have though that I was hearing Isaac Hayes introducing Shaft. What I got, however, was the Jewish version of Shaft - The Hebrew Hammer.It plays like a blaxploitation film of the seventies, but it's purpose is to slam every Jewish stereotype they can. They added a lot of Black stereotypes as well, as the Hammer joined with the Kwanzaa League to defeat the evil Santa that was trying to wipe out Hanukkah.Adam Goldberg was good as the Hammer, and Mario Van Peebles as his Black partner. Andy Dick as Santa's son, not so much. Nora Dunn was perfect as the Hammer's mother.

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This movie reminded me of "UnderCover Brother". Sure, this movie was rather tasteless and obviously a low budget film. It was very funny. I myself am Jewish and was able to laugh and relate to this movie. I do not know if you would enjoy it if you were of another religion, but I still recommend this movie. There were many hidden references and of course some basic Yiddish humor packaged in. It easily could have been a modern Mel Brooks movie, and if you enjoy his humor i recommend this film. Although some jokes became repetitive, and were overdone, there are many MANY funny jokes that I could laugh about.This is one of those movies you should see multiple times. I guarantee you will catch more jokes and references making each viewing funny. So overall it was a cheap lo budget comedy. But a Funny cheap low budget comedy. A rare find indeed.

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