The Last Man
The Last Man
| 23 February 2008 (USA)
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Based on a novel by Mary Shelley


Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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An absolute waste of money

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

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I never read the novel by Mary Shelley, but I sincerely hope it is better then this film.Where to start... no production values.. well one can live with that. The fact that there is no money for large scale scenes( which an apocalypse movie does need), no money for decent cgi ( I can live with that, I chewed my way through countless Scfi channel originals).. I can all still live with that.. but who on earth found the lead actor, well basically all the speaking parts. I rarely saw such inept acting in a movie, its incredibly bad and the term "unconvincing" is the understatement of the century with this flick. Which poses a direct problem since the title is of course the last man, which basically means not that many actors. And I do give some credits to the director and the producers, I did some reading about this film and it seems it is all a very enthusiastic effort from all involved, The problem is however that if your lead is a crap actor and the rest of the actors involved are also crap, the rest starts to irritate very quickly.I rarely turn a film off halfway but this one managed to do just that. Don't waste your time.

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I am surprised! Someone read a Mary Shelley novel and decided to make this adaptation? Jesus Christ!!!The director must be a HUGE "Blair Witch Project" fan. Anyone who saw the whole movie is a hero to me, because I only saw the first 25 minutes! I laughed my head off though,this I have to say.If they were trying to make a comedy or make fun of "I am legend" it would be a great hit.But they didn't! It's not a splatter, not a cult, not sci-fi, not anything! The actors where bad (I mean not even high-school kids act like that), the sound, make-up, and the list goes on and on.In all, it was a big waste of money for the poor producer. My condolences...

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So, the cinematography was not so bad. The makeup, acceptable for the budget, although not impressive. By far the worst element of the film a viewer will notice is the terrible voiceovers through the whole movie. The star actor speaks like he is legally retarded. A big first step toward cleaning up this film would be ditching the voiceovers, or at least re-recording them with someone who is not so annoying to listen to.Speaking of which, this character is boring and uninspiring to watch. He looks like he just stumbled out of a local bar to strap on some vests and camouflage and try to shoot the neighbor's dog with a pellet gun. Meet him: prior to the contagion, a nerdy office worker with a large paunch, begging to finally play in the big game. By the end of the few months passage in the film, he is a silent ninja, capable of Navy Seal tactics. The infected can use guns, but apparently not against him. His slothlike movements and pudgy body are even less stealthy and graceful than one might expect, I guess it's lucky for him that he is facing a partially blind and disabled enemy.Of course, this all comes to a head when it is revealed that he is not only infected, but he is the one man who is capable of being infected while still maintaining his human nature. He is asked to breed with several women who may be able to produce viable offspring, healthy like him- what does our hero do? cut their throats one by one in one of the most pathetically uninspiring and unnecessarily long scenes in movie history. You can tell the director budgeted a few hundred for "chicks with their throats cut" effects. There were poor attempts at homages to Omega Man, but they fell flat and seemed more like distractions from the utter unoriginality of this film's plot. I am honestly willing to forgive the CGI scenes, they were not terrible except for the actual flight crash scene- but it doesn't matter, because the scene that comes after the CGI is so bad that you will wish you hadn't watched the film.Just let this one rest- a script with a hint of promise but a failure in every other way.

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Steve Nicola

I watched the Last Man expecting a present day adaptation on a Mary Shelley novel but on a small budget and thats what i got. I also expected decent independent actors, passable special effects, decent direction and freaks that actually look like freaks.....this however I did not get. The Last Man has its good points, which are that I could get all the way through it without turning off and for the small budget spent you can see the potential that the director has with the right mentor. The problem with the Last Man is that the bad outweighs the good. The camera is shaky in the action scenes, the CGI is appalling (would have been better without it), the echoed overlayed voices are amateur, the action scenes (fights and gun battles) are about as exciting as watching paint dry, and the acting is mediocre at best. I'm not a hater at all, I'm just being brutally honest. No actually I'm being fair giving it a 4 out of 10. It was watchable but never exciting, and that is a shame because a film like this had so much potential. I love apocalyptic films and this one did have good writing (yes a positive comment). The script was interesting, especially the use of Sun Tzu's Art of War, and the message that we are all monsters, especially when we judge those that are different is one of truth that needs to be told. It is this alone that made me keep watching. Another good thing is that watching this has made me want to read the novel so I can picture in my imagination what this film could have been with a bigger budget, better actors, and better editing and camera-work. I would still like it to be independent but a film of this scale needs some cash to work with. Please someone out there give it another shot and this time make it with heart, you know like your Mum does with the cooking. That way I know it will be good.

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